mikey mike


I don't want to be first
I hope I am not.

A wise man once said: "They're giving you thousands of hours of entertainment for free. What could they possibly owe you? If anything, you owe them."

Plenty of vacation lessons to be learned from that one, such as: Always check your luggage tags.

"Rawr! I'm angry that my free daily dose of intelligent pop culture commentary wasn't up to my arbitrary standards for what should and should not be a list! Double rawr!"

I agree. I haven't seen this episode in a while, but I have nothing but fond memories of the gym teacher runner and particularly "Cant-stand-ya!"

I think the Robert Downey, Jr. part might be new, but I heard about this movie and Galifianakis a few weeks ago. Old news.

Best moment
After Fantasy Robin beat Fantasy Marshall in a game of bridge, Real Marshall was upset that he lost a game. Nice call back to his competitiveness/never-losing-games thing.


best line…
Tyler is dying. And Betty said that when he goes, she's going to off herself too. So all that should be going down pretty soon.

Tracy actually said, "You shouldn't end a sentence with a preposition at."

Purple Monkey Dishwasher.

I feel like when a new show premiers, you guys should wait to review the fifth or sixth episode. Often times the pilot episode isn't really what the show ends up being, and things start to click as production goes on.

The "friends-with-benefits" plot line wasn't the only plot-line lifted from Seinfeld. I recall an episode where George was having trouble finding a peaceful workplace bathroom in which to do his business.


Sigh… I guess I should know better than to try pointing out how raping children isn't funny on this comments board.

Maybe I'm going to put myself out there as the stick in the mud, but I don't think it's ever funny to joke about raping a child. And they did that over and over in this episode. I turned it off halfway through, and I am very glad I did.

Even though…
…I'm beginning to tire a little bit of HIMYM's constant and laborious efforts to contribute to the modern lexicon, (Brocabulary, Cheerleader Effect, Woo Girls, thousands others), tonight's episode was really very good.

You win. This episode did in fact win me over. Appreciation now has the lead over ambivalence, 55 percent to 45. It's not my favorite show ever, but it's just enough like "Cheers" that I can enjoy it each week.

Underwear Raidus = Apartment Only