mikey mike

good episode
As cheesy as HIMYM can sometimes get with metaphors (Marshall's burger search as a metaphor for his fading youth), this episode was great. It had a lot of laughs, and I kind of enjoyed the Regis bit until the tag at the end. (Painting him as a roid-raging, burger obsessing thug was a nice touch.)

Nader, he's alright
He's incredibly self-aware and does a credible Reagan impression. He's also gotten a lot more good accomplished in his lifetime than our current president ever has. So he kind of maybe indirectly screwed us in 2000, so what? Seat belts, people!


Good episodes. "Gas Crisis" was among the better episodes of the series.

Oh man…
I'm on the west coast, so this hasn't premiered yet, AND I ALREADY FUCKING READ IT!

Uh, hate to burst your bubbles…
But this is a rumor that has been proven false and premature conjecture. Expect to see more of Jerry and Bill in the future.

Thank you for the official ruling, Professor. And for the record, I did lose a bit of self-respect posting that. But, it was my first chance at a first, so I did it.

I hate to admit that I did find Paula's meltdown to be rather comical. Here's a woman who is paid millions of dollars to appear on national television drunk in order to judge a talent show, and she wants our pity because she got fired from the "Bratz" movie. Paula asks, "Where is God when you need him?" I submit,

OMG I hate myself
First. Maybe.

Ooh, ooh, fun game!

You sure fucked up…
…my weekend. Lauren Conrad has a book deal. I give up.

Fuck, Ben Franklin. You crazy.

Bill Maher
I agree with him on many, many things, I have no doubt he's a smart man, I'm happy that he found success after he was thrown under the bus by ABC post-9/11. Wish him all the success in the world.

I couldn't resist
I was purposely avoiding reading this review, because I assumed the comments were just going to be… uh… you know. The way they are.

Who will care about this?!?


the big rewind
I'll buy it. When is it coming out?

Yeah… the name is pretty bad.

You're annoying.

Let me clarify that, in my above comment, my view of Dr. Dog's new album is in no way informed by their past work. I would dig this album if it were made by anyone (maybe not Matchbox20).