mikey mike

Sorry to interject
I typically don't comment on the A.V. Club's music coverage, (unless it's Nabin's hip-hop reviews), mostly because I feel like you usually get it right enough and there isn't much more to add. But today, I feel compelled to comment.

Please give ZMF his own column. Deth Metal Korner or something.

OH SNAP! Wiggles called you OUT, Rabin.

Is it just me…
Or does his picture on the home page look a lot like the Jack Nicholson picture a few inches down.

I liked Bender's Big Score. It wasn't as tight and coherent as the usual narrative masterpieces that are Futurama episodes, but it was still 90 minutes of tremendous entertainment.

Lick the opposition?
Can't we just fuck already?

Yes. That was awesome, and awesome editing on the AV Club's part. Way to give us those last few seconds that made the clip. Kevin Bacon's awestruck face when he sees the purdy girls makin' out, followed by sudden realization of, "hey, I should really be videotaping this."

Those young children are fucking idiots for not picking up your reference to a slightly obscure, limited release film that has only recently picked up a cult following among young adult men.

Where can I buy the beverage that mimics the effects of crystal meth? Do they still sell Crystal Pepsi?

Are abortions involved aside from the title?

Oops. Read the post wrong. I thought she meant she watched the film version of this book.

Maybe you should go check out the actual W.C. Fields rather than watch a kind-of-shitty bio-pic that was made 30 years after his death. Because he's funny in those movies, the ones he's actually in.

Welcome Home
I had to watch "Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins" for a job. It was really, really horrible. But I think Mike Epps gave such a weird, manic and hilarious performance, I will always remember it. It was as if he was in an entirely different, and even funnier, movie. He was great.

In the Sasquatch review (the link takes you to the wrong page, btw) you don't take "extreme" issue with it. But you certainly felt the need to devote an extra amount of space to Meadows in this essay, lumping him in (reluctantly) with Sandler, Carvey and Meyers. But it seems like, in context, his reprisal of the

It's kind of ridiculous to hold Meadows to your standards
If Mr. Meadows came out with a "Ladies' Man" TV show, or wrote a sequel to the film, I would understand your beef with his reprising the character.

Turtle Club. Ha!

This movie
Is not good. But it should be viewed at least once, because it's entertaining at points. Could it be said that this film officially killed the Tarantino knock-off trend? I'm not sure of the time line on that one, but it seems like a candidate.

Oy Frey
This guy is a hack, a talentless pulp writer of the lowest level with pretensions beyond any American author in memory. A lack of talent and an unwavering belief that you are better than anyone else makes for highly unreadable material. I'm shocked that people ever found his work enjoyable, Oprah on down.

That said, I realize that this is a free site that offers some of the best content on the web and I shouldn't complain. I will stop talking now.

If Rabin can come up with 10,000 words on "Speed Racer," I think Tobias can give us a little more than this.