mikey mike

Survey Says
59 People surveyed said that this DVD is awesome.

Where's the copy editor tonight?

Yeah. I really don't get it either.

I mean…
"The Simpsons Movie" came out in 2007. It wasn't a 10/10, but it was a 8.5/10 for sure, and a bit of return to the classic humor of the show.


It's not the sarcasm, it's the short answers near the beginning. I'm a journalist, and I can say there's nothing worse than when a subject gives you brief, 5 word answers. It seems like O'Neill wrangles it back towards funny in the middle and the end, but the beginning is contentious.

Came off as kind of a dick here, and I imagine there were a few strained, awkward moments in this interview. Mr. O'Neill, can you confirm/deny?

Came off as kind of a dick here, and I imagine there were a few strained, awkward moments in this interview. Mr. O'Neill, can you confirm/deny?

lazy joke alert
"Huh, look at Tommy Lee Jones. I can't think of anything good to write, I'll just say he looks like himself. It's funny because it's true!"

I missed this article today, I was so busy at work.


This is really, really sad. So sad.

Philly thoughts
I was at the Philadelphia tryouts last fall for my job (God no, I don't work for Fox). There were some surprisingly talented people there, people that I was actually kind of floored by. There were, of course, adequate, mediocre and God-awful singers there as well.

By bears and motorcycles, you mean ballet, right?

The secret to good eggs is something you would never expect: flour and milk.

This guy played Roy Orbison in "Walk the Line."

Greatest bit of dialogue ever
"Then they must be wearing diapers!"

Stephen Baldwin is on "Celebrity Apprentice."

Get those kids, Mitchum!
Night of the Hunter OWNS.

I also agree to the My Year of Flops Dedicated Page For Proper Browsing Purposes (MYOFDPFPBP). Make it so?