mikey mike

Ah, just read through the comments, and yes, it has indeed been hit upon. But it bears repeating: Stewart shouldn't complain about not striking a deal for his show. Viacom owns it and wants special treatment for it's two popular returning shows. Viacom also owns many other shows, but doesn't want to work out a deal

Nobody made money off VHS because VHS sales were never anywhere near what DVD sales are, especially of TV shows.

The reason why WGA turned down Stewart…
I don't know if this has been hit upon earlier, but the reason why the WGA turned down Jon Stewart's prodco on the side deal that other prodcos had agreed to wasn't really that confounding.

The reason why WGA turned down Stewart…
I don't know if this has been hit upon earlier, but the reason why the WGA turned down Jon Stewart's prodco on the side deal that other prodcos had agreed to wasn't really that confounding.

KT Tunstall is on drugs
A co-worker sent me an MP3 of KT Tunstall singing "Sleigh Ride." My Lord, it is the trippiest, druggiest thing I've ever heard.

It annoys me that this guy…
calls himself a journalist when he is, in fact, an atheistic missionary. Reading a book about atheism by a devout atheist who's opinions on why everyone who disagrees with him is less intelligent is more akin to the self-help section than it is to journalism.

For the most part, I'm in the car with ya.

I rammed my face into a block of bricks, hoping to extrapolate every last damn coin from within. Turns out, bricks don't normally contain coins, and they often cause concussions.

Still, an awesome, smart show and I will be buying the complete series DVDs when they come out, for sure. I'd much rather have been watching this than Family Guy or whatever else crap it competed with. This episode was much better than 99 percent of everything else aired tonight, I'm certain.

I was a bit disappointed with the whole thing. I felt like the ghosts of Chrstmas-past, -present and -future were all going to show up at any minute. But then they didn't.

When I make a bad joke, I find that if I repeat it several times, I feel better about myself. Like I tried really hard to get you guys on my side and even though it didn't work, hey, I gave it my best shot.

Don't you mean Skanking With Skassors?

The Pussy Pirates…
…get crazy bonus points for the killer Arrested Development reference.

I got to the end of the first page, and I was ready to call it a day. Then I realized there were two more pages of this.

That's Lord Rayden to you, bub.

Sorry for the panicked all-caps message, but, you know, I have so much 30 Rock to catch up on I kinda freaked.

I haven't seen this week's or last…

Pet Peeve
You don't say Richard Kelly in your first reference. Just Kelly. For a moment, I thought he just went by that.

This is totally off topic…
…but as I was reading this, my wife called me a smelly barrel of snake holes. I don't know what the insult means, but I thought I'd share it with you guys.

yo mama's so fat i didn't give her any of my cheeseburger when she asked because i am seriously concerned about her health.