mikey mike

Haven't read any of the above comments
And I'm impressed that it's at 323 already.

Hayden Christennson should get a Bill Murray transplant, performed by Kevin Bacon. I'd see that movie.

I suppose I'm pretty much alone in thinking that "Darjeeling" was an example of Wes Anderson stretching, albeit still within his own little universe. In my mind, I liken him to someone like Roald Dahl, someone who creates a specific universe and cast of characters in which to tell all of his stories. It's not too hard

Also, 30 Rock stole the "choking to death alone in my apartment" gag from a very early episode of Sex in the City. Sarah Jessica Parker's choked while she was alone in her apartment, and had to throw herself on a chair. It would have been better if she had died and the series ended there, though.

The Long Kiss Goodnight in the Life in Jimmy Reardon

The Long Kiss Goodnight in the Life in Jimmy Reardon

played this the other night
The single player is good, I could see how it would get boring.

Yabba Dabba Good
I am saddened to know that this is the last new episode any of us will be seeing of the Office for some time. At least it was a very good episode. Although I thought that the Jim/Darryl/Pam/Kelly thing was kind of half-baked.

Still a fantastic episode though. Perhaps one of the best of the series.

Jeff's clients…
So Jeff manages a bunch of comedy writers, comedic actors, comedy directors… and John Legend?

Let it be known that I predicted Larry and Loretta getting together on this very site, in the comments immediately following "the TiVo Guy" several weeks ago.

I admit it doesn't exactly apply to TV since TV actually shows everything. It's the principle I was invoking.

Jim becoming Tim?
I, like many of you, found Jim paralleling Tim (UK) very nicely last night. I also felt like, just for the last two minutes, Michael was a good parallel of David (UK). The way he kind of opened up a bit in the end there (explaining why he said "that's what she said," as a means of trying to make

Am I alone?
I kind of thought last night's episode wasn't that funny. Yeah, it had moments (SerpiCharlie; Mac and Dee passing by the kindly old black man reading a book to ask the white crack addict for directions because he's, well, white; "4 the mare"). But overall I was left feeling a little laughless.

Haven't seen this episode yet
But I plan to tonight, thanks to the magic of OnDemand.

What are you, the reply nazi?

This was an ehhhh episode. I did enjoy the dating-a-doctor subplot, and I love Larry dating. But, uh, the whole n-word thing was too forced. And I still don't understand why he shaved Jeff's head… was he so angry that he thought he was in a different surgery? And why would a hospital try to charge you for a

One other stray observation…
Did anyone else notice that the commercial just seemed to be an Office-based riff on the Gmail commercial?

They also had an entire episode centering on public access TV, but Philadelphia has no public access channel (yet). Go figure.

Nice episode…
I live in Philly. I can honestly say that Jim is too nice of a guy to be a sports writer here. They're all kind of dicks.