
I want to like this comment, but first I wanna make sure it's an allusion to Captain America.

I think a comparison to Guy Richie's movies would be unfair. This show is about Sherlock Holmes.

To me it feels like the weakest episode of the entire run, but it may have to do with a personal indifference to the horror genre, which is exacerbated in cases like this when we know going in that there's not gonna be a giant demon hound in the end, so all the time the show pretends there is one I'm just yawning and

I really hope it was a Buffy reference instead of Shutter Island. Even though I did not particularly cared for that episode (or that entire season, for that matter), I still liked it a hell of a lot more than SI.

Much better that way. Nothing will top "CRISIS ALERT!" for me. Ever.

It really is the "Yes, I'll hold" that absolutely makes the joke for me. Do you think it was scripted or the amazing Glover added it?

I'm tempted to give you flak for going a big round-about way to such a simple and obvious conclusion, but man, you are totally right, season 4 is really really good.

She should fix the hair, the makeup, the wardrobe…

But is it the right tie?

But is it the right tie?

That's the beauty, the first mention being in a "throwaway" Ferengi episode was totally on purpose, and it's things like that that make me love this show.

*becomes lost in thought  picturing how awesome The Good Wife would be if they replaced Margulies with a T-Rex*

So she's not in the books at all? I wasn't sure but I got that impression. But yes, he does become quite useful for the show. One of the reasons I'm thankful for the show is that it's not afraid to take this amazing liberties and more often than not are completely appropriate and add things rather than substract. I

Thanks! But like I mentioned on last week's review, I just like Todd's take on it SO much better than Sim's, that I'm grateful he keeps the first part safe for newbies. And in this case, the comment was directed particularly at him. He brings up time and time again how the show portrays (sometimes better than others)

I cannot read the entire comments section because I haven't read the books, but I wanted to mention something. I was thinking that the role of Roz the prostitute is supposed to be our point of entry for that whole "lives of the ruled and how they are affected by the powerful" you mention. I have no idea if it's the

This was the first episode I got to watch with my friend who got me to watch the show in the first place, so I'm glad it was filled with thrilling moments like Kalinda's kiss, Cary's return and Alicia signaling Kalinda.

I'm sorry, but I don't think you've watched too many episodes. Or Kalinda's boots, for that matter.

I was totally waiting for that reveal, with all that talk of them being together the *entire* time, and not seeing his daughter, and his passion in not wanting to implicate, etc.

Bonus: caricia is to caress in Spanish (technically the act, not the verb).

You're quite right, @avclub-8b8369fc782a66a1118bd9eda89ebc07:disqus . I'm not maintaining that Enterprise was alone in the "canceled before its time" group. Hell, I'm not even sure if it could really have been all that great after all (Voyager did get the full 7 seasons, and all we got was a smokin' hot borg and an