
To be fair, I think that was the intention had the series been allowed to live on a little longer. However you fell about the show, I think it was a damn shame it as canceled as early. Imagine canceling TNG after a couple of seasons. We would never know what we missed.

a) It was a sure thing that we would see that moment. You may remember they hanged on for TWO YEARS to the goat gag, and have also said on interviews that they regret saying they never found about about the pineapple on that first season episode, since that meant they couldn't invent something later on (especially

HOLY FUCK that's a great idea, It certainly plays the same kind of gag as the Letterman thing, as I assume that particular picture was real (not from her last appearance though).

That's the thing, @avclub-eaaf6236c28c668e40fdf9b17394b7ec:disqus , she's certainly not as hot as she could be, and I think the hair is also having a lot of impact there. I would refer you again to the real-2006 flashback in last week's episode.

I just love to see the pay off from a set up more than a year ago (season 6 ep 11), but I had to checked, and it seems the moment was shot again, but absolutely respecting the wardrobe.

I didn't completely love the editing, but it was a great gag.

I guess the whole leaving Nora to be with Robin is meant to have make him mature rather quickly. I can sort of justify it, even if I do think the whole Quinn thing was a little rushed.

Thanks, but I gathered that much, that's what I meant by non sequitur. I just wondered if there was some sort of pop culture reference that also applied, like someone with a blue car that either shares some of those things with Jesus or is the complete opposite. As it is, it's best that there isn't, so it comes

Still nothing can top her best line, and one of the all time best one liners, and I'm aware there a lot to pick from, but I truly think this is the essence of humor:

Interesting tidbit: the Latin American dubbing, produced in Mexico, changed that to something like "I have to go make some creations". I guess they were stung?

I don't want to be a Internet cliché, but can I point out the awesomeness of  the little moments with Snowball II? I just love the way he rubs in God's lap and how it's a little disturbed on the coach with Homer, as we can see in the clips. Clearly the episode's director or storyboarder is a cat person.

I'm sorry, not being from the US I have to ask, is there any special significance to the blue car thing or is it just a complete non sequitur?

This is one of the lines that just leave me in awe. At first I laugh, but then I can't help to wonder how the hell can they come up with something so strange and yet so funny.

I was saying Booo-urns.

I can't decide if that's awesome, or super awesome.

I'm not sure if I should be surprised or if it makes perfect sense, but even though this wasn't a concept episode, it has some of the all time best endlessly quotable one liners. Just off the top of my head:

Man, I think you make a couple of strong points. But I would be really sad if the Dean stopped showing up in crazy costumes…

It's better than Annoy… wait, no, scratch that.

I couldn't help notice since those unison "d'awwwwwww" are usually among my favorite moments. But I'm glad you caught the reference as there was obviously no other meaning, I just wanted for once to get in time to make those kind of comment-allusions.

One more snippet to add to countless youtube videos, I'm sure.