
I'd like to hear from women if they were truly that noticeable or is it just us guys that get fixated on that?

I'm not from the US. Is there a joke I'm missing? Is it a real brand? Is it a riff on Lay's?

I truly fell in love with him as an actor when he yelled "you can't disappoint a picture!!!". But yeah, he can be great with little things as well. Mixology was another good display.

But it's true that he was severely underused, at least last time there was the runner about him going through some things. If he can do so much with so little, couldn't they find something like the "pan sexual imp" comment from the first appearance?

I didn't think it was bad per se, but I did think it was a bit too short, even if it's understandable (damn 22 minutes and such).

As a young heterosexual male, I cannot keep myself from wanting more Annie/Britta stuff. And this episode somewhat delivered!

Don't patronize us!

Man, you have good eyes…

Last thing I heard, they had greenlighted seasons 7 and 8 together, so the producers planned them accordingly. Now they say they're not sure it will end in S8, and even Siegel who said he would not accept to go further than that (when his original contract ends) seems to be on board if it comes to pass. But yeah, I'm

I'm not convinced. Remember he has roughly 15-year-old looking kids in 2030. And it would really be going a bit too far to have Ted holding like Punchy's baby to watch the trilogy.

Was it just me or was Cobie seriously hotter than ever in that particular instance? Maybe it's only because she's been so mistreated lately.

The producers do admit on DVD commentary that they gleefully took every opportunity to skip network censorship with the robots and Scarface.

I cannot disagree with you on that. I also really like Donna Bowman, but that may be because she handles one of my favourite shows, HIMYM. But even then, I agree with her most of the time (Bad News being the one notable exception).

Not to dismiss your modesty, but it was things like your article comparing The Good Wife to The Wire that alerted me to this site which I now enjoy (as well as convinced me to give TGW a chance, even though I haven´t watched the Wire yet). And I do find it hard to disagree with much of what you say. The thematic thing

I can't read the full review and comments because I'm not a big fan of spoilers, but damn are these reviews SO much better than the "newbies" ones. Please don't stop making the first part spoilers-free.

I was intrigued by the holy flying circus thing, but the link is broken. I shall express my feelings in the form of a succession of punctuation:

I didn't go so far as crying, but I really loved how the show can be as wacky as a pillow fight, and at the same time as emotionally real as the Troy & Abed feud.

My God, I didn't catch that and now I hate myself. THANK YOU.

Yeah, but we were thinking more along the lines that there is an abundance of scheming characters like Garak. Besides Tyrion I can name Petyr and Varys just off the top of my head.

I friend of mine watched GoT before I did, and when I told him I was rewatching DS9 and how Garak was by far my favorite character (after describing him, he hasn't seen any Star Trek), he told me to watch the HBO series ASAP, as it would be right up my alley. He was of course 100% correct.