

Why? Just… why?

I think that particularly the part that says "didn't have a seven or an eight" is the apex of comedy. The fact that it's so specific, and at the same time it's not the punchline, just leaves me in complete awe.

That sounds especially weird since I read somewhere that this was supposed to actually be the first Simpsons movie, but that plan fell through so it ended up as a regular episode.

If he was in Argentina he must have seen plenty of Simpsons, since they still play constantly in reruns on broadcast TV, and you can say "Dental plan" to anyone under 35 and be confident they'll reply "Lisa needs braces" in a cheery tone (I mean, that gag but in Spanish, of course).

I would venture that they are, but not for the same reasons. I mean, I recently rewatched the whole series, and I appreciated the hell of a lot more of little interactions between Sisko and Dukat or Sisko and Garak (incidentally, "In the Pale Moonlight" might very well be the finest hour in all of Trek, but there's a

@avclub-0b3be39b79a603bb88dbcb4b086cc1b8:disqus I am kind of concerned about that, but that's also why I like that she totally doesn't deserve such treatment and they clearly portrait that, so I'm hoping she will be appreciated someday.

Disagree completely on the Patrice stuff. But I do think Barney and Quinn don't have that much chemistry no matter how many high fives they throw at us. I wish they would really play out the theme on their bonding merely on account of the awesome sex (the one part that totally makes sense).

Maybe she was looking kinda at both, him for allowing it…?

Plus the nods of agreement. I liked that as much as the quick high fives between them, which I DON'T think Barney and Quinn can pull off.


I couldn't agree more. I'm kind of ashamed to admit I don't dislike Quinn quite as much as I did Kevin, perhaps for the obvious reason that she is a hot blonde chick who likes to wear skimpy outfits and he's… not. But that doesn't mean I like her or think is funny or right for Barney or anything.

I hate to reiterate this point, but she is the absolute best, period.

I'm just a sucker for those "dammit Patrice!", maybe because they are so undeserved. It's kinda like the "shut up, Leonard!" from community, but those are different, and are always followed by something kinda funny too. These don't need that (although I'm afraid the writers will start adding things to mix it up, like

Mmmh, what do you mean? Someone spying interoffice email or something? 'Cause this doesn't seem like something that one would learn through searching databases.

Holy fuck! Lumbergh was Harvey Birdman??? I cannot dislike this guy now!

Fuck, I can't believe I missed it. I was only half watching, but still.

I totally second that the question was awesome. I don't think it's a common occurrence that a TV character asks such a question and you as a viewer can think "really, CAN you?"

Great find! I love it when one can see in these kinds of interviews that the creators/producers/showrunners sometimes reflect what we perceive through the series, or sometimes don't. Especially when they clearly love their creation as much as the fans. I felt something similar with Dan Harmon or the guys behind

I thought it was hinting at a possible reconciliation with Peter: she ditched Will, is on the path to make up with Kalinda, perhaps she needs money to buy a new house, which happens to be the house they shared… But I guess I was wrong.