
I really don't see a reason to really hate this episode like some commenters? commentators? do. But it is true that it pales in comparison to Remedial Chaos Theory, and that the structure has little purpose (I also really lament that they "cheated" and changed rooms inside each act).

Notice the "desire" instead of "deserve", which would mean none.

There are waaaaaaaaaaaay too many comments for me to peruse here, but about the BS JMS argument, the curious thing is that perhaps it would actually _be_ interesting if they did with Watchmen what Moore did with the Victorian characters: re-contextualize and reinterpret them in a clearly different universe, as opposed

No win for Phil from Modern Family and no nominations for Homeland? What kind of awards show is this?

I watched the first season only on DVDs quite a few years ago, and never got around to get the second, when I learned it was canceled before its time. Is it worth it to try again? Bear in mind I'm also way behind on many other shows (The Wire is sitting on a shelf, waiting).

It's a good idea, but I don't think it would have worked. There was really no reason for him to do so at that point, other than just messin' with him.

You tell it like it is, mister. For a while I thought they were actively making her seem androgynous for some reason.

Same here.

With all due respect, if you could care less then you care at least a little bit, don't you?

Are we banning for the disrespect to Brie or the horrible "COULD care less"?

What a cool episode. If only we'd had the review of the character's introduction in The New Batman adventures…

I think all of them have appeared before, right?

I'm a sucker for episodes with guests such as Lily's father and Marshall's family, but I didn't find this one all that funny. Perhaps it needed more Barney.

Great character bit. And I also liked the dampness remaining unexplained. There's a band's name for ya: Unexplained Dampness.

Yup, that's the one. And in that case, you were lucky. Check out the old reviews here, and you can watch as both the reviewers and the commentators(?) were expecting this awful character played by a mediocre actor to just finish his damn arc, reveal something about Kalinda (he kept throwing vague hints here and there)

There's a good reason for that: he was utterly forgettable. Basically he's the other investigator brought by the third partner to the firm for the time they were merged, who collided with Kalinda, seemed to have some kind of past with Will, and completely overstayed his welcome only to bring the revelation about

I watched L&O CI only for D'Onofrio, but when they started alternating with Noth as Logan, I didn't mind one bit. Goldblum on the other hand, was a deal breaker.

Boo to you, sir. I hated 2 things about the end of Lie to me: not seing Tim Roth as the best incarnation of a House-like character yet, and missing my weekly dose of Monica Raymund. I realize her character may not be the best amongst such luminaries, but come on, it's not nearly as bad as Kalinda's awful rival from

I was at the taping of the Colbert show after bin Laden's death, and it seems to me that the audience was really psyched, and Stephen was just feeding off of that (as he is prone to do, coming from improv). Anyway, being a foreigner, it was really weird for me to be cheering for the US to enter another country's soil

Where did I say that they're unqualified? All I said is that is HARDER for them to succeed, so naturally we see less succesful women. If you want more female guests, we need to get more women scientists, soldiers, politicians, etc.