
This is like what I wanted to say, but better speaked.

I agree, and even more since the comparison isn't all that necesary. Like it's been said, we don't really need to choose one or the other, and the reviewer seems to forget many important (in my opinion) highlights of Stewart's tenure. Could Colbert really produce so moving a speech as Stewart's after 9/11? Could

Seems to me he's saying lack of representation in the show isn't necesarily discrimination by the show, that perhaps the system itself does the discrimination, so that the disparity is just a result of that. That in order to argue that there is a discriminatory intent, we need more than just a statistical analysis.

I'm pretty sure noone¡s gonna read this so late, but I just watched the episode and reading this I was thinking that we should congratulate the writers for what they don't do as much as what they do. The review mentions how they avoided using the Grace crisis to incite a Kalinda/Alicia reunion, but lesser writers

I would have thought Boston Legal takes the prize: Denny Crane purportedly never lost a single case.

I don't want to sound casually misogynist or anything, but it seems to me that there may be fewer female guests not necesarily because they don't want to get them, but because there simply aren't too many available. Since it is generaly harder for women to achieve recognition, therefore it's harder to book a

They started considering it in that episode. At least Marshall did, until Lily shut him down…

I loved how she took Marshall's hand off her belly with that.

Condoms or any other form of birth control aren't 100% effective. And come on, it's a sitcom, serendipity pregnancies are par for the course, it shouldn't stretch your suspension of disbelief so much.

Easily one of the best jokes of the time, especialy with the call back by Ted "did Guy the guy guy got you a baby guy?!".

If you could care less then you actually care to some deg.. oh fuck it I don't wanna be that guy (though I not-so-secretly am).

That's a rellay good theory, although it hasn't really been pushed by the show. Nevertheless, sounds about right.

I knew I knew him!!!

I was pretty much on the fence about the character, now I actively dispise him. But more to your point, I feel his entire story was just botched. "What the hell does Robin see in him?", yes, but more to the point, what does he see in her? I mean, WE know she is just the greatest, but is a little hard to understand how

I'm pretty sure "tape" is just shorthand, I don't suppose one can say "sure, I got the clip of digital recording of my sister's wedding".

Is it okay if I think it was the best and worst episode of the season, for all the right reasons? When I saw Robin wasn't going through with it, I literally sreamed out a "no" bigger than Vader's.

These kinds of things happen often, do they not? The same actor "making the rounds" of some series.

Still no sight of this show on my notfications. BOOOOOOO!

Unfortunately, he didn't seem so interested. I would much prefer he tries to get it on with the 22-year-old tutor, just for weirdness' sake.