
Really, who cares? All I ask for is more Kalinda + Dana goodness.

Hey! I just noticed the same thing. But I always see things days after they aired, so I tend to use the "MY TV CLUB" bar thingy more than notifications.

The last epilogue with Barney was a bit about that superman movie, right? I thought that was surprisingly funny, and also connects with how Barney always roots for a movie's antagonist.

I just watched this, and I'm just SO happy that they brought the best thing about Lie to me: Monica Raymund. Please mister, may I have some more!

You might say that your criticism still stand, although it could be argued that you are reading far too much into it, but it shows at least a curious rhethoric. You first accused Donna of making a racist comment, then when you were explained that she was only pointing out an inconsistency with a previous episode you

She's just gonna say she was "under the weather", or people will start picturing her doing unspeakable things.

I was hoping for exactly that. Or at least a passing reference to it.

Things like that bit only reaffirms my conclusion that this is a sitcom truly aimed at "nerds", instead of crap like The Big Bang Theory. I saw the last episode of that and they were making ANOTHER Shcrödinger's joke, belaboring the point, but HIMYM can simply throw this gag like it's nothing.


Many have observed that the plot resolution was a little too obvious. I was wondering: if the case of the week hadn't been so sidelined in favor of the subplots, wouldn't it have been better if the cold open we saw was merely the narration from the defendant to Alicia or Cary, so that we as the audience wouldn't have

At least they didn't forget about him!

Did I understand correctly? Did Eli say he's planning on leaving L/G to have his own firm with Alicia and Kalinda? I couldn't really make out what he was saying.

This particular episode doesn't really show this, but I did notice something unusual in this show (and excuse me if this has been addressed in previous comments, but I haven't seen it in the reviews themselves): where's the blood? Everytime Jesus shoots someone only a thin white powder emerges, like people are some

I  don't understand, those 6 minutes are a bad thing?

But in this case, alas, it was all a clever ruse. A ruse, I tells ya!

I thought the same thing, but I think it was just a bit of misdirection. It would have been too predictable.

Totally agree with ZZZ, Space Pope, Cordoba, etc. here, and the fact that the reviewer misses this obvious plot points and dialogue on a show that is ostensibly aimed at kids (or at least teenagers) really casts a doubt on wether he was paying any attention at all, and so if the review has any real value…

I really think you're doing a bit of a disservice to the show complaining about the SSN. I'm pretty sure that what happens is -like gizmochimp points out- that the machine probably DOES know if the SSN belongs to a perpetrator or a victim, but that information is discarded. From the discard pile, Finch only retrieves

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