
Hipster Dance
Anyone else feel like the end of "Goin' Through Your Purse" sounds like the end of "No Dancing" by Elvis Costello? I'm not whining, I'm actually happy to hear songs that don't fade out during (arguably) the best singing moments or go "1-2-3" on drums then OUUUUUUUTTTTTTT.

Maybe… Hiro thinks all Japanese look the same?

So last season, when Nathan was going all "not saving Peter" and Ma Petrelli was rubbing his shoulders… not creepy, but… powerful?

A thought
Does he put on more tanner than Jimmy Kimmel when he did Karl Malone impressions on The Man Show? Because that was a lot of caked-racism.

Didn't Mark McKinney right the terrible sketches in Studio 60? Bitch, he did crush my head.

Do it, England!
Yeah, Buffy would be choice, and since you guys just do blurbs of ideas rather than actual reviews, it'd be nice to not get the MightyBigTv/TelevisionWithoutPity treatment.