
do i smell a
possible dogma reunion in the works? A fight to the poor production special effects between "Twin Peak's" Ray Wise and "You Can't Do That on T.V.'s" Alanis Morrisette?

that was funny as a mother fucker!
Bill O'Reilly is all, "You know, I ate dinner with a black person the other day, and he could use a knife and a fork! Also, I'm a racist."

I have dial up.

i love you idiotking.
if only you weren't gay.

I'd like to seee a show
about born again former rehab habitants living in one house. They can do wacky challenges and such, Gary Busey and that Baldwin brother can be the team leaders.

Kanye has ADHD
which he and his mom (who wrote a book about him) both used as an excuse for his behavior on The Wendy Williams Show. If yo missed it I'm sure VH1 will show the interview at some point.

a spontanious grab at a serious video opportunity
Are they trying to get in on the we care about Africa and junk kick that the celebrities are on, cause I hate to break it to you Wentz but Chris Tucker has been there, done that, and solve all the problems of the Africa stuff. Ya know.

Big Mo?!?

The pop rocks chocs
kinda reminds me of the friends episode where Monica had to come up with recipes for Mocholate. Some cheap, not yet FDA approved candy substitute for chocolate.

And the creepy McPoyle onceover look. That's a C? Come on.

I gotta disagree on the Hostafge grade
I thought it was pretty/kinda entertaining, so B. The jokes about Charlie being retarded and the "Ryan stab someboday!!!!!!!!" brings it to at least B-. Oh, and the Charlie's angry place room scene, come on. Funniness abounds.

RE: Clavis
He or she has my vote.

How Ludacris
And all the Ho Ho Ho jokes you can eat.

I'm excited about the movie
but I will feel bad when it tanks in theatres. I hope its made for tv.

Maybe there was a squirrel in his pants?
Why did they keep him on so long, if everybody hated him? Cause teen girls thought he was cute?

I usually support Amelie
but that wasn't bad. Maybe you have to see the rest of the episode?

is that a diss on Amelie for mentioning her hometown. Cause I think that her being for Nawlens is relevant to the article.

i don't get it, what's the lemon supposed to represent?

Dry cleaning rule and cum-upants
The dry cleaning rule-I've never heard of this and hope it's not really in practice throughout the country.

Klimpsy, hadn't seen yer post yet. But I was right about the sexy DMB lyrics.