
What the fuck is wrong with snackables, I ask you!

You guys are crazy. Plastic Beach is a masterpiece. Sweepstakes, Superfast Jellyfish are awesome hip hop tracks. The title track itself is just great. And I don't even want to tell you how many times I've listened to Rhinestone Eyes and To Binge. Good lord. That part in Rhinestone Eyes where the choir of little kids

Bad ass
Be honest, James Franco went up about twelve points in everyone's bad ass list. Don't deny it!!

You can take a glue gun to my glasses any day mackie.

I hear the one about
the brain in the jar that gives birth to other little brains is pretty good.

Does anyone else feel like a world with Tyler Perry and Conan on the same station is a world destined for failure? Maybe they should do a buddy-cop movie together.

You know who smoked pot back in the day? Tom Waits. Just sayin… and Lobsters, you are kind of a dick.