
Yeah agreed on Hoover, but he nailed Hughes. Watch any of the footage of the congressional hearings and he nailed Hughes' mannerisms, inflection, and accent.

Have you watched the Documentary footage on the Aviator. He is Hughes. The mannerisms, the accent, everything. He nails Hughes.

Safe? What part of calling Donald Trump White ISIS or wanting to bang his daughter is safe. Especially when it comes to their back up crew they've been doing pretty scathing sketches.

Nice Op Ed you got there that is light on facts and is pure supposition. I really don't know what they mean by neutered with segments like White ISIS and Trump Wants to Bang his Daughter.

How do you take it to the next level with someone as ridiculous as Trump its pretty hard to Satirize someone that is already such a joke. I mean where do you go from White ISIS.

Yeah, softballing, that's why he has segment called Donald Trump wants to Bang his daughter, and Trump is White ISIS. Those are some real softballs.

Jesus thank you. I've been enjoying Trevor a lot. I've talked to a lot of people who used to watch Daily Show about how much I like him and they had just assumed the show had ended after John left. So blame Comedy Central's bad marketing.

In the books it always seemed like Littlefinger constantly played a fool who always won by the seat of his pants, but was clearly not the fool he portrayed himself to be.

According to Adams himself there is no canonical version as he intentional made each version different mucking up plots, timelines, and characters each time it was made for a new medium. This in an attempt to avoid these types of criticisms and judge each on their own merit.

Meh it was a fair criticism. Rereading it, it was all over the place.

Actually the most common thread regarding Hitchhiker's Guide in this thread refers to it as a remake.

I see what you mean, I was running out the door for work this morning and just spit this out as quick as possible.


Here is a brilliant explanation of why there is a another ***** in SW:TFA

Really, this was the spoiler for you? Its the thing I think most people were predicting and wasn't much of a surprise to anyone I knew who was going to see it.

Ben is his Natural name. When he changed to a sith he became Kylo Ren

I think he still is. Otherwise there is no excusing Luke's horrible inaction and makes him culpable to the rise in power of Kylo Ren and The First Order.

My prediction is that its Luke. Luke actually turned to the darkside and Kylo is his apprentice. Otherwise how do we excuse Luke's inaction in dealing with Kylo or The First Order in general. His inaction helped to serve the deaths of billions. I think the only way this can be explained away is if Luke did turn to the

He did, what about the hug and look her and Leia have. I literally thought Leia was going to say something at that point. Plus the fight between Ren and Rey is so clearly telegraphed as a brother sister thing. I mean fuck all one's name is Ren the other is Rey.

Which I call bullshit on. For Luke just to be able to force pull the lightsaber from the snow in Empire he had been practicing for some time and still could barely do it.