
My deatwatch list:
1. Davos' son: 100% toast. This was foreshadowed by Melisandre telling him something like death by fire was the purest kind of death.
2. Stannis. His narrative has now expired, he will follow soon. Also some maybe-clues of dead fish and empty helmets.
3. Theon. No surprise here but he sealed it by

My deatwatch list:
1. Davos' son: 100% toast. This was foreshadowed by Melisandre telling him something like death by fire was the purest kind of death.
2. Stannis. His narrative has now expired, he will follow soon. Also some maybe-clues of dead fish and empty helmets.
3. Theon. No surprise here but he sealed it by

Wow, I just remembered I had predicted Tyrion would survive an attempt on his life but crossed it off as half-right a few episodes ago when he escaped the angry mob that tore the High Septon apart.

Wow, I just remembered I had predicted Tyrion would survive an attempt on his life but crossed it off as half-right a few episodes ago when he escaped the angry mob that tore the High Septon apart.

Yeah, I thought it had to be Ser Meryn Trant, the guy who eliminated Syrio, beat Sansa and was threatened with death by Tyrion earlier ("Bronn, if he speaks again, kill him. That's a threat- see the difference?"). He's the only kingsguard that would have a reason to try to kill Tyrion. But they called a kingsguard a

Yeah, I thought it had to be Ser Meryn Trant, the guy who eliminated Syrio, beat Sansa and was threatened with death by Tyrion earlier ("Bronn, if he speaks again, kill him. That's a threat- see the difference?"). He's the only kingsguard that would have a reason to try to kill Tyrion. But they called a kingsguard a

I'd like to see her play the drinking game Tyrion, Shae and Bronn played… with….?  Stannis.

I'd like to see her play the drinking game Tyrion, Shae and Bronn played… with….?  Stannis.

Neither, in my opinion, is GRRM's screenwriting career.

Neither, in my opinion, is GRRM's screenwriting career.

I thought Cersei's performance was good, but I almost fast-forwarded through it myself. It was just that the whole basement storyline was dramatically DOA as nothing at all happened in it. Oh, but wait- Shae was almost outed! Yes, almost outed- didn't happen. But wait- Cersei took the vial and almost….yes, almost. Oh

I thought Cersei's performance was good, but I almost fast-forwarded through it myself. It was just that the whole basement storyline was dramatically DOA as nothing at all happened in it. Oh, but wait- Shae was almost outed! Yes, almost outed- didn't happen. But wait- Cersei took the vial and almost….yes, almost. Oh

As for Mr. McGee I'll give him a pass on the "bad writing" since it was posted so soon after the show but there's no excuse for not proofreading and catching some of the half-dozen glaring grammar/tense/nonsensical word mistakes before posting it. The best part of his review: "David Sims will be back next week to

As for Mr. McGee I'll give him a pass on the "bad writing" since it was posted so soon after the show but there's no excuse for not proofreading and catching some of the half-dozen glaring grammar/tense/nonsensical word mistakes before posting it. The best part of his review: "David Sims will be back next week to

I agree with the B grade- I heard zero hype, had low expectations and I was still disappointed. Half the episode was great, the only thing that bugged me was that the other half took place w/Cersei in the basement and NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENED THERE. I identified the near-identification of Shae's identity as a cheap

I agree with the B grade- I heard zero hype, had low expectations and I was still disappointed. Half the episode was great, the only thing that bugged me was that the other half took place w/Cersei in the basement and NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENED THERE. I identified the near-identification of Shae's identity as a cheap

Yep, that's right. They could round up all the farm boys, douse them in wildfire, set them alight and hurl them at Stannis with the catapults.

Yep, that's right. They could round up all the farm boys, douse them in wildfire, set them alight and hurl them at Stannis with the catapults.

Good one. That sounds just like something Tyrion would do- flush the pig shit down the toilets and throw in a match.

Good one. That sounds just like something Tyrion would do- flush the pig shit down the toilets and throw in a match.