
ba2046 and Gnice: Speaking for non-readers who don't want to know anything about who/when does or doesn't die in the books, we would really appreciate it if this discussion changed course at this point or moved to private messaging or something. It's present course seems to be heading for spoiler island at full steam.

ba2046 and Gnice: Speaking for non-readers who don't want to know anything about who/when does or doesn't die in the books, we would really appreciate it if this discussion changed course at this point or moved to private messaging or something. It's present course seems to be heading for spoiler island at full steam.

"Leaning more heavily" on the romance lever? I'd say they jammed it to the stop and broke the fucking thing off.

"Leaning more heavily" on the romance lever? I'd say they jammed it to the stop and broke the fucking thing off.

oltranzista: I believe Jon's direwolf probably suffered from the same affliction as Qorin Halfhand: bad writing.
A. Have most astute ranger suddenly become stupid and inexplicably wander off leaving Jon alone to let girl escape.
B. Have Jon's direwolf inexplicably wander off so he can show up unexpectedly in a future

oltranzista: I believe Jon's direwolf probably suffered from the same affliction as Qorin Halfhand: bad writing.
A. Have most astute ranger suddenly become stupid and inexplicably wander off leaving Jon alone to let girl escape.
B. Have Jon's direwolf inexplicably wander off so he can show up unexpectedly in a future

It's not up to you to define ^^^^^^^^^^^ SPOILER ^^^^^^^^^^^^. Read the rules: "Have you read the books and want to discuss what’s coming? That’s what our experts reviews are for.)" You are discussing what's coming. That's a spoiler according to the rules of this thread. And no, I'm not interested in clogging up the

It's not up to you to define ^^^^^^^^^^^ SPOILER ^^^^^^^^^^^^. Read the rules: "Have you read the books and want to discuss what’s coming? That’s what our experts reviews are for.)" You are discussing what's coming. That's a spoiler according to the rules of this thread. And no, I'm not interested in clogging up the

I think Tyrion is planning to lure Stannis' army into the city (like with Littlefinger's offer to Renly to open the gates) trap them there and burn the place down with wildfire. I have been suspecting this since Tyrion agreed wildfire could burn the city down and told the pyromancer to make it for him now.

I think Tyrion is planning to lure Stannis' army into the city (like with Littlefinger's offer to Renly to open the gates) trap them there and burn the place down with wildfire. I have been suspecting this since Tyrion agreed wildfire could burn the city down and told the pyromancer to make it for him now.

Arex: That's more or less what I was thinking except I don't see Tywin trying to depose Tyrion. But the Cersei/Joffrey team with the possible assistance of Master of Coin Littlefinger could easily buy out Bronn and the gold cloaks and turn the tables on Tyrion.

Arex: That's more or less what I was thinking except I don't see Tywin trying to depose Tyrion. But the Cersei/Joffrey team with the possible assistance of Master of Coin Littlefinger could easily buy out Bronn and the gold cloaks and turn the tables on Tyrion.

The Bronn-Tyrion scene where they are getting on each other's nerves was very interesting. I think it's the latest in a long-running setup of something I've been predicting since early in season 2 that Bronn will betray Tyrion for a price. Here are the clues I've noticed, does anyone else see a pattern here?

The Bronn-Tyrion scene where they are getting on each other's nerves was very interesting. I think it's the latest in a long-running setup of something I've been predicting since early in season 2 that Bronn will betray Tyrion for a price. Here are the clues I've noticed, does anyone else see a pattern here?

Only one thing at this point can make her storyline a little more enjoyable every week:
"Where are my dragons!?! I am Danaerys Stormb-" **SLAP!!!**

Only one thing at this point can make her storyline a little more enjoyable every week:
"Where are my dragons!?! I am Danaerys Stormb-" **SLAP!!!**

Agree- with only 10 hours per season to tell this story, if I want to miss big chunks of that to see romantic comedy or softcore porn I always have the option of flipping the channel. I would prefer not having the TV writers do that for me by inserting long-ass scenes that have no bearing on the story. Nothing wrong

Agree- with only 10 hours per season to tell this story, if I want to miss big chunks of that to see romantic comedy or softcore porn I always have the option of flipping the channel. I would prefer not having the TV writers do that for me by inserting long-ass scenes that have no bearing on the story. Nothing wrong

My Joffrey death wish: Tyrion got a vial of industrial strength laxative from Pycelle a few episodes back so I'm still hoping that winds up in the hands of an assasin and it's Death By Diarrhea. Would be true justice for the little shit to shit himself to death. Can't think of a crappier way to die.

Mr. Hermateeowish do you know who/when discussed those details of the Robert-Rhaegar duel and Lyanna's rescue?