
"A very long way—to become a show that feels a lot more like it’s about character than about comedy."

I'm not nitpicking his grammar, I'm pointing out that he doesn't even know the basic names of the shows he's talking about.

The Internet: "Everything ever is racist and white privilege and mansplaining and how dare you. Oh, except stupid fucking TV shows that *I* like, which are perfect moral beacons and are only criticized by morons."

The Simpsons (not Simpson's) have a recurring Halloween episode called Treehouse of Horror (not Treehouse of Terror). It's really fucking irritating that someone who gets paid to sit around and watch television all day makes dumb mistakes like that. There's plenty of people who would appreciate your "job."

Tyler Perry fucking HATES women. This is not his first, or second, or third movie to portray rape as a good thing or suggest that punching a woman is the solution to all of men's problems. The values underlying his films are absolutely vile, he makes utterly terrible movies, and he uses his knowledge that anyone who

I'm really getting sick of this populist anti-snobbery where every obvious piece of shit liked by the unwashed masses has to be defended. It's not enough to say you're under-educated and have no taste, now you have to also label the pig vomit you pay money to see as worthwhile art and demonize those who notice that

I'm really getting sick of this populist anti-snobbery where every obvious piece of shit liked by the unwashed masses has to be defended. It's not enough to say you're under-educated and have no taste, now you have to also label the pig vomit you pay money to see as worthwhile art and demonize those who notice that

Why would he need to do anything to minstrel for white people? Tyler Perry's depiction of black people is already exactly the same as what the most virulent white racist imagines black people to be. It's an embarrassment to any race that people think these movies where borderline retarded jailbirds solve their

Why would he need to do anything to minstrel for white people? Tyler Perry's depiction of black people is already exactly the same as what the most virulent white racist imagines black people to be. It's an embarrassment to any race that people think these movies where borderline retarded jailbirds solve their