
As a diehard X-Phile, I am overjoyed to have Mulder and Scully (my hero) back! They are still the best pairing on television, and Scully is still the most badass female character on TV. I was happy to see that they kept the original opening credits, cheesy FBI badges and all. This last episode was pure X-Files gold!

From what I remember, Scotty is murdered the night of Cole's wedding.

That's been my feeling this whole season. Alison and Noah are clearly forcing things at this point. Maybe after "blowing up" their family's lives, they both felt obligated to make it work.

I'd been waiting to hear more about Noah's childhood and family life. I thought that was a great scene.

I don't think I could face my father after that incident either. How embarrassing, in so, SO many ways.

Oh my god, Mary waking up just in time to foil Meg's plan! That would be hysterical. Especially if she's been faking her catatonic state.

I don't know…Erika seems genuinely disturbed by her daughter's disappearance. If she is involved, that would take away much of the impact of her tense exchange with Nora.

The Jinx was amazing. Durst has shark's eyes for sure.

Agreed. I went with B. My favorite part of this whole episode (even more so than the "big reveal") was the exchange between Matt and Meg. Perfectly creepy.

I'm afraid that John will murder Kevin, only to witness Evie's reappearance moments later. That would be depressing as hell.

You just brought to mind the fact that this whole time Erika has believed that she is the cause of her daughter's disappearance. This takes down every bit of faith she has in her grandmother's story about the birds. I mean, except for the fact that the occasional bird survives being buried underground, as did Kevin…Oh

Random thought…do you think Evie stopped taking her meds as a result of being in the GR? It seems like something they would not permit. (Remember in the first ep when Evie has a seizure and Erica asks if she took her meds.)

I was definitely thinking Shaun of the Dead.

I totally thought there would just be a bunch of explosives in that camper.

Totally agree. Call me crazy, but I enjoy the differing opinions, comments, criticisms. What annoys me is the fact that more than half of the comments on here have nothing to do with the show, just "offended" people talking about how offended they are. I love this show, but I'm stable enough to read other perspectives.

Someone else on one of these comment threads mentioned the theory that Kevin's handprint may no longer be the same, due to his being "reborn." I'm not sure if John would even waste time taking a second print, but if he does, it would throw a monkey wrench in his plans to lynch Kevin.

Jesus had abs and I don't think he belonged to a gym. I could be wrong though.

Exactly! Alison hasn't done one thing for herself this entire show. She shuffles from one situation to the next, with that "woe is me" expression on her face. I wish she had been tougher on Noah last week at the yoga retreat. Honestly, I don't hate any of the characters (except maybe Helen's parents). Everyone is so

My only issue with Alison is that she always seems to be the "victim," always standing around, letting things happen to her instead of taking control. I thought maybe that changed when she was at the yoga retreat last episode, but then again this week, there she is, allowing Noah to control every aspect of their life
