Mayor McZombie

Yeah, like KuniaJai said above, you gotta go to the shit neighborhoods around NY and hit up Kennedy Fried Chicken. Basically, almost anywhere you would go to buy cheap, low-quality drugs you can find a Kennedy Fried Chicken. Also, neighborhoods that double as war zones. I bet they have one in fucking Mogadishu.

I don't know Teadoust, I wanted G.I. Joe to be bad. Also wanted "Glitter" to be bad. And that Britney Spears movie, and Transformers 2, and a handful of other movies that I can't think of right now (Catwoman?). There are some things forced on society that are such drek and represent everything soulless that they

and yes, Crank was retarded.

TPM was the best of the prequels. It's the only one that feels right. Ep. III could have been great, but it was undone by some horrrrrible dialogue and slapdash exposition, and Ep. II was ruined by that finale when all the jedi show up and just pose before that lame battle sequence. Jake Lloyd and Hayden

I seriously think that fundamental extremists adhering to any faith are essentially the same regardless of their chosen tactics through which they violently express their rejection of secularity and diversity. I don't care from what particular part of the world they are from or what they do, they are equally

The show clearly deals with themes that involve homosexuality, but it deals with themes that involve relations between ALL disparate groups, that's why it takes place in the south. The most prominent gay guy on the show is a human and I think that for some of the gay people who watch this show they are just

I agree with you completely. I also thought the ending with Sookie was super-cliched and predictable and bad looking, hardly powerful imagery or whatever he described it as. Plus, I don't know how anyone could nitpick over the Christian Suicide Bomber thing while accepting the existence of Vampires, Maenads,

With the same clip and the same four-five
Two point-blank, a motherfuckers sure to die

no, certainly not.