
Who's going to play his stunt double - AT&T Jamie Foxx, or T-Mobile Jamie Foxx??


Not really. A safety, combined with a touchdown and two point conversion is 10 points. I thought for sure the Giants would go for two after their first touchdown since they were already up 8-0. But I guess Coughlin is too old-school for that.

RetroTV (a local xx.2 or xx.3 digital channel in many markets) has been running through most of the available classic Who stories in their original half-hour format (two a night, M-F). They're in their second pass through the Baker years now.

"He's a lot smarter than most of the other candidates…"

FYI - Retro TV (available as a "xx.2" channel in many parts of the country), is in the middle of airing Survival. The first two episodes aired Friday July 10, and the final is scheduled for Monday July 13. My local affiliate (in Allentown PA) airs two episodes beginning at 10 pm EDT M-F. I think then they'll start…

It's on my FIOS TV - BBC America free On Demand has the entire 8th season, though apparently not the Christmas show.

So wait, if Doctor Who can be seen on the same day in the US as the UK (and yes, I realize it's BBC America here), why can't PBS work something out with the BBC to shorten or eliminate the delay for Downton?

We saw the show a few years back in NYC - at Town Hall in Manhattan (we live in central NJ). It was on Easter weekend so most of the band wasn't there - just Rich the pianist and Pat the guitarist. Our seats were near the back row of the lower level so we couldn't see that well.