
Well, there was that dream I had once, but I'm not sure if that counts…

Mine's working just fine, why do you ask?

"Give me some of the sweet Franco newswire. Just a taste, man. I'm not addicted, I can quit anytime I want. C'mon man!"

I wouldn't be surprised if Bieber/LaBeouf/Franco aren't all fictional characters O'Neal made up for slow news days.

It was convenient that Bieber went on hiatus while O'Neal was on vacation. I wouldn't want to read about this any other way. (And I wouldn't.)

Just like the gypsy woman said.

So, are we not doing phrasing anymore?

Well, that sounds kind of harsh, but okay, fuck that guy.

Actually, Hugh Laurie would be my genuine recommendation. For one, I'm sure he'd be great at it. Secondly, having Laurie in the Marvel universe would mean a lot more screen time for him, and that's always a plus in my book.

And stay off my lawn!


Murray Street is really good. I've never listened to Experimental… but to be fair, I've only ever been a sporadic SY listener.



It was an excellent interview.

"Tyranny of will" is a brilliant turn of phrase.

Alright, I'm sold.

It's probably for that reason that it'll be my most anticipated cover.

Ben Foster is an interesting case. He came up in the Disney system, too, if I remember right, and could have been another Shia LaBeouf, but he decided to go for smaller, more difficult roles.

Had to look that up just to see for myself. Yikes, that looks pretty atrocious. Besides for the MPDG-ness of it, the trailer also seems to give away every plot point. I'll be content to miss that.