Jay G.

Nitpick: Oregon Trail actually dates back to the early 70s. It was originally text-only. The version I remember playing was on an Apple IIE in the mid-80s.

The SFX/SFX2 chips should be off patent by now, since it's been over 20 years. There may be a trademark issue, but they could skirt that by removing the "SuperFX" mark from the game.

No other parks are mentioned, but in one town there's an orgy scene with strong nods to Roman World.

Deadpool isn't a Marvel Studios film, but a Fox film with a Marvel character.

I think you got the Star Trek one backwards: the saying is "every odd numbered Star Trek is shit". Seriously, Wrath of Kahn was 2.

I saw it years (decades?) ago, and it's definitely as bizarre as the trailer. It tends to "embrace the artifice" and a number of scenes are outright stagy. There's a scene briefly shown the the trailer where a chase is shown by shooting the two actors running in place in front of a black background. Also, the film

Just to be clear, Parker's line is that she was conscious the whole time, while the victim's statements suggest she was at least blackout drunk (can't remember clearly or fully), but still unclear about whether she was actually ever unconscious.

My takeaway wasn't even that he things all pre-marital sex is bad, but that going out with the intention of solely looking for sex, instead of looking for a relationship, is unhealthy.

Having read Darin Morgan's script for Night Stalker, while it's 90% the same, there's still some significant changes to the script. For example, all the cell phone stuff is new (Guy originally worked at a donut shop, and in one scene Kolchack had a photographer co-worker with him instead of using a cell phone camera).

Re: Jesse not using Genesis on the Seraphim. DeBlanc and Fiore stated at the diner that the Seraphim currently isn't aware that 1) Genesis is loose and 2) Jesse has it. If Jesse used Genesis on it, it could escalate things even further.

The only real consent to video usage is the 4K video for Blu-ray and streaming, but they also touted the HDR for both video and gaming.

Yeah, it's going to basically be a difference in certain settings, but preconfigured for each box.

The base price is $299 for an XB1 now, so they *have* been making it cheaper. Remember, it launched at $499 (with Kinect). They first bumped it down $100 by removing the Kinect, then dropped it to $349, and now it's at $299, including some bundled games. Hell, Amazon has a few at $290, and a certified refurbished one

4K UHD also brings HDR and wider color gamut, so it's not just a resolution increase.

XB1 is getting keyboard and mouse support this summer via the Anniversary Update.

It's not the same mistake as Sega. Sega released the 32X, a Genesis add-on, a year before the Saturn, and the systems were incompatible with each other. With the new PS4 and XB1's, there's still compatibility. Granted, it may still be a mistake, but it's not the SAME mistake.

It was only a couple of cyclops babies.

I feel like the process of animation, shooting one frame at a time, just doesn't lend itself to video well. I'm betting they were shot on film, maybe 35mm, although it seems likely they'd have been transferred to video once they had a shot, and then combined and edited in video. Which means, if the film elements still