Jay G.

Toys Trailer
I remember the Toys trailer of Williams in a field as being a teaser for the film that was released months before the film itself, likely created before much of the film had actually been shot. There was a later trailer released closer to the film's release that did feature the unique imagery from the

What's your point gogogo?
Was it that different reviewers can have differing opinions of the same film? Because that's already a given.

3-D article inaccuracies
The AP article about 3D is wrong on a number of things. The two things it cites as part of the "advanced" technology used today, a silver screen and polarized lenses, were invented back in 1936. In fact, the majority of 3D films shown in 3D's "golden age" in the 50s did NOT use the blue/red

More B.O.
While B.O. totals are only directly comparable to films of the same era, that's essentially true of the New York Times and Billboard rankings, since there's no way to tell how successful today's Billboard #1 is in comparison to Billboard's 1967's #1. At least the B.O. gives us hard numbers that we can

Why BO counts dollars instead of tickets.
The reason to me why the BO consists of dollars instead of tickets is simple, and it's not just tradition.

brazenhead, Hollywood has so far only adapted two of PKD's "books," and those became Blade Runner and A Scanner Darkly, so not a bad run. The rest are adaptations of short stories by PKD, the majority of which were pulp stories with Twilight-Zone like twist endings. Total Recall is an actually fairly faithful

Re: "final, authoritative versions" of films…..
I find it amusing that when Noel mentioned DVDs offering the "final, authoritative version" of a film, he lists two films where the extended/unrated cuts have been explicitly described by the director's as NOT being the authoritative versions of the film. Both directors