A Delicious BLT

Stuff it, Hipsters
I like Entourage a lot more than Hung. Comedy done right.

I'm just stunned that anyone can seriously sit through a whole episode of this high concept bullshit. The show is tedious, and the broad strokes it paints about society are neither entertaining or novel. Does it matter whether or not the show straddles the line between fantasy and reality when the show

The Good News: I'm dating a college chick.

Love Koze
Now I just need to find a place that sells this in hard copy.

I'm going back to my shithole trailer to smoke weed like a cigarette.

Come on now.
1up fired a bunch of great writers earlier this year. The AVClub should do itself a favor and get a real videogame critic. It is simply impossible to review a game such as this, one which lives and dies on its multiplayer, and not even mention it once.