kick skypunch

… Fatty Arbuckle was round.

The Radio Dept. 'Clinging to a Scheme" is pretty shoegazer-y, and poppy as fuck.

I liked seeing Cosgrove a little world weary. In past seasons, competent and decent though he was, he always seemed to be leading a something of a charmed life. There was something sad about this Ken, not sad sack mind you, he's become a guy who knows how hollow his life is, but having made his choices is stuck.

"Mele Kalikimaka" is, apparently, Hawaii's way of saying "Merry Christmas" to you.

" If the A.V. Club was around in '94 they would have hated it…" So basically critics should only review records based on how they imagine they might have reacted to them 15 years the past? Wow you sure called bullshit there, I mean, forget aging, accumulating experience and refining your tastes as you mature into an

I saw Malkmus and the Jicks last summer in Toronto. They were excellent. Seemed really happy, and Steve was his good ol' charming self… kept chatting with the crowd about The Raptors. I think since Pavement split up Malkmus has gotten better and better live (and, evidently, forsaken guitar picks). This bodes well for

No love for Westie?

"What are you guys doing in there?"
"Gary was just taking a shit."

"What are you guys going in there."
"Gary was just taking a shit!"

Shit! ?"…One of US won't." I screwed up the reference. Shame on me.

… then again Garfield, maybe one of won't.

Yeah. Saw Stripes again the other day and they had such an easy going chemistry, all smirks and wry glances. Damn it Murray and Ramis, whatever it is, work it out! Also, Ghostbusters 3? TERRIBLE idea.

Ugh. I din't mean that as tasteless comment on Jay Bennett's death.

Dead serious.

Saw an edited version of The Breakfast Club years back…
Bender's "FUCK YOU" when Vernon slams the libary door became:

Thanks for clearing that up.

Strained…? Pretentious…? In what way? All Yo La Tengo, Built to Spill, and The Flaming Lips have agreed to do (gasp) is play songs that mean a lot to people at the request of a festival programed by by critics often accused (in these threads) of being elitist, insular hipster d-bags.

Adventureland… it didn't make my cry while was watching it, then after, out for beers with a friend, I started talking about the fireworks scene, and I choked up a bit. I'd drunk about three beers, does that still count?

I still can't belive it it, but I fucking cried during CHICKEN RUN… The scene when they finally make their escape… that crazy, lopsided aircraft they've built wobbles into the air… they're all pedaling like mad, the crazy old RAF rooster is at the helm and just as they clear the farm's fence one of them yells "We're

You should take that song and play it 8 weeks in a row on Top of the Pops.