
Personally, I found Ezri a much more likeable character then Jadzia. She's certainly more well defined, and it's a nice change of pace to have someone who isn't your typical fearless super-competent starfleet officer. Plus she works better in the DS9 ensemble as far as that "band of misfits" goes then Jadzia did.

Such as? Look, obviously, for federation citizens or starfleet officers, there are limits. Presumably, when you join starfleet, you give up some of your rights. As far as the different traditions of the Federation member worlds, generally it seems they are given wide leverage as long as those traditions are

I think Picard was going to let him do it, if it was ultimately the choice he made.

Well, I don't think it was so much she was physically forced, as , if you don't do this, you will be the pariahs of pariahs for the rest of your life.

I think it's a pretty fundamental thing in Trill culture that the symbionts are like THE MOST IMPORTANT THING EVER. Who knows, before the symbionts, maybe the trill society was a medieval hellhole. They're treated almost like gods. It was referenced before that if the trill knew any person could potentially host a

Unless of course he sort of meant what he said, and was really testing her, not sure if she rise to the occasion or not. (Or,having known two Daxes, maybe he knew how Dax would respond, and was trying to make the Dax persona assert itself.)

Well, they were making fun of google glasses, but the hershey kiss thing wasn't slamming hersehy kisses. I think I recall an episode where they used apple instead of mapple. I think the idea is, if you want to make fun of something, you use a fake name, but if you're just using something as a thing that exists in

I had the unfortunate experience of watching a new simpsons episode with a dedicated simpsons hater. After every joke, he'd make a comment like "right, that's funny." Completely insufferable.

I didn't read your comment, but I'm sure it wasn't very good.

While I agree that it's not what it was in its prime and it delivers occassional awful epsiodes, it still makes me laugh consistently. I find it irritating that people hate on it so much. Even if it was the same quality, people would complain, because the original ten seasons or so were ground breaking, way ahead of

(stolen from Gary Larsen)

Yeah, that stayed on because of the pre-existing star trek fanbase.

Remember that episode of Bewitched where Endora casts a spell on Darren and no one can finger out what's going on till Samantha catches on?

You're just grumpy cause you're down to the lowest dose tomacco patch.

Merry Fishmas!

Agreed. Many laughs. "Who are you?" "Mr. Burns!" "Oh, sorry to bother you Mr. Burns." Dumb, but hillarious.

well, maybe exploration of areas that could be relevant to the war

"He's hiding something."

Haven't seen it in awhile, but isn't it sort of odd nobody realized the time gap? You'd think at a time of war the would be wary about responding to random distress calls and check some kind of log of recent federation activity in the area.