
See, now, everybody really wants to see it.

You are educated stupid! BURN IN HELL with your belly button ONENESS!!!

If it's legitimate trolling, we should certainly censor it. However, it's important that in the interest of combatting trolls, we don't disallow legitimate discussion of important points, like the fact that the jews did 9/11.

why has the AV club become so censorius as of late?

Somebody's comments were apparently not taken in their intended spirit (or perhaps they were) so I'll just leave you all with a relevant tribute.

I think the writers very much understood how tragic Odo's situation was with Kira. And yes 99.5 percent of the reason he's staying is her.

Robin jeffers-the whole thing? where did the later part come from?

Maybe the femme fatale was once a popular trope, but after the success of feminism it was seen as a negative stereotype?

I liked Season 7. The only outright "bad" episode I think was Field of Fire, which was entertaining, but for the wrong reasons. And the mirror universe episode was overly silly. The "filler" episodes still develop the characters, and often take context within the place of the war even if they aren't essential to

Although I haven't seen the actual episode, wasn't there something in Enterprise about the teachings of Surak having been corrupted and them then finding the true teachings? I think it would have worked better if it had turned out that the Vulcans' dickishness was caused by Romulan infiltration or something, to try

Also, Spock seemed different then subsequent Vulcans. His logic was underwritten by a profound sense of compassion. He also had no problem with engaging in witty banter, despite other Vulcans' subsequent distaste for humans. To be fair, I imagine it's hard to write Vulcans from a human perspective.

He wasn't stronger then Vulcans, He had enhanced intelligence which meant better reaction time and muscle control.

If Sisko had really wanted to win, he could have had Odo play as an outfielder.

Bashir wasn't as crazy souped up as Khan was.

Star Trek 6, The Final Frontier started it. Then they kept doing it, to the point where vulcans just seemed like dicks. The "beat-up worf treatment."

You have all been defeated by the edit button.

That parts pretty bad, but I guess you're pretty much running on adrenaline, and don't have time to think. It's the anticipation of the battle. Again, just something I've heard alot, not based on personal experience.

And man, she nailed it. The way she played the character, and her dynamic with Bashir, totally sold me on the idea that bashir could be swept off his feet and out of his better senses. For him, this like the pefect fantasy scenario. His medical genius awakes the sleeping princess, and she's the thing he's wanted

As long as we're nitpicking Zack… Sisko is in a relationship with Kasidy.

If you talk to people who've fought in wars, one thing you'll consistently hear: It's not the so much the combat that's the hell of it, but the waiting.