
I don't think they knew who Captain Holt was until he showed up either

I enjoyed the C plot this episode. My biggest complaint about Season 1 was the one-sided romance between Boyle and Diaz, but this episode has finally convinced me that they're not going to revisit that dynamic. I really like their platonic relationship this season and I think it's going to continue to create funny

I think you mean Diaz was the exasperated one

I thought I was the only one who was bothered by the lighting! I know it's a minor thing, but it's been bugging me since the season premiere. I miss the brighter set lighting.

I'm pretty sure Leslie and Ron also lacked any sort of talking head.

I believe Leslie said something about an underground dance contest in a talking head, but that's all I can remember.

Ironically, Leslie got rid of her bangs a few episodes ago.

I wonder if Jake actually does have a lot of friends outside of the 99. Before, he had an issue with talking too much about cop stuff on his dates, so I wonder what else he does outside of work. Though I guess if he does have other friends, we won't see them much because it's a workplace comedy.

I guess the two parties trope is a fairly worn-out trope, but it really didn't bother me much. It wasn't the main focus of the plot nor was it drawn out for very long. They kept the gag pretty short; any longer, and it would've been unbelievable for Holt to have not caught on.

I'm very confused about his casting? Really, anyone could have played Marcus. Anyone.

I burst out laughing as soon as it was revealed Holt carried a bowl of soup into his office at 11:55 AM. Already knew what was coming, but that really just made the whole situation even funnier.

Holt going to Boyle's culinary blog to scoff seemed a bit off to me. Wasn't he reading Boyle's email blast a little while back?