Frito Pendejo

You can only win in the D'Antoni system with South African/Canadians or Asians at point guard.

Tippecanoe, yo!  Got that Tyler too!

Also, Wagner would have to rebut Rabid's defense that he actually does hate jews, which might be tough.  Yay!  I knew I got myself into $100K of non-dischargeable law school debt for a reason!

Magnetos.  How do they work?

If this is true you just absolutely ruined my week.  Nightcrawler was my favorite mutant.  Next you'll be telling me that they're making a Daredevil movie with Ben Affleck.

Dogma would have been so much better if it featured that.

And plays hockey apparently.

He seems to have a calming effect during those otherwise tense reality show reunion gatherings.  I call him the housewife whisperer.

"What sets the dumb hacks apart from the smart hacks, let alone the
artists, is whether they have any ideas about what to do in between."

As long as it doesn't require completing a forward pass, my money's on Tebow.

Extra! Extra! Millions dyin' from Mayan Lion Scryin'!

Ever gone down on a guy holding a gun before?  Your teeth would be chattering too.  Anyway, that's what my mom said.

We need to keep this bus going 55 mph for a full 24 hours… but condensed into a 1 hour 55 minute running time!

I am not interested in seeing why Ron is called "fuckstick".  I would, however, sign on for some Lizzy Caplan nudity.  I'm getting sick of watching the same True Blood clip over and over.  Just a screenshot of her in nothing but a pink bowtie is all I ask.


I learned that Horovitz rhymes with "more of this".

Child abusey should not be tolerated.

That part of the review caught my eye too.  The dynamics of that marriage are one of the few believable aspects of this show.  There are no shortage of political wives who don't excite their husbands "in a carnal way" and politicians who cheat. Not just politicians, but other powerful men.  OK, just men.

It looks like he's going to at least try, but she looked pretty creeped out by him in that scene by the elevator.  Maybe it won't be consensual.  Maybe they'll just shower wrestle.

That doesn't sound so bad.  Am I the only one who always goes directly to the "paint" category on porntube?  On a related note: great name for a paint-related porn star -  "Beenjammin More."