Frito Pendejo

There's a part in the book where the main character is reflecting on a pre-apocalyptic job he had as a paid internet troll/promoter for a big coffee chain where I thought to myself "this is pure Palahniuk".

No.  Isn't she the lady that plays the mom of the other old ladies on Sex & The City?

Boy Jerry Campbell sure has changed since the last Alice in Chains reunion.


Agreed.  In what way will pushing buttons satisfy the characters' need…

Toasterlad wants some butts!

Better call Saul (Hudson)!

May a juiced-up Roger Clemens hurl a bat at your head.

Started getting into these guys around the time Recipe For Hate came out, so that one's got a special place, but Suffer will always be my favorite. Haven't listened to any of their stuff since The Gray Race… are any of the newer albums worth it?

I prefer the Paladino/Lazio debate - in which, much like Jersey Shore, everyone's a loser.

Wop Chef?

Let's get Stephen Root back over there while we're at it… as a judge again, no less. On a related note, the only way I would watch this show is if Stephen Root plays the judge like his Idiocracy character: "We gettin' ready to commensurate this here trial!"

@4th grade health teacher: Jax doesn't have a silly foreign accent? Seriously, Charlie Hunnam barely tries to sound American. It's pretty distracting.

Let's go further back in time…

As much as his whining annoyed me during the middle part of the series, I found myself rooting for Kevin throughout the two-part finale. Part of it has to do with being me from NJ also, but I liked how he dropped the insecure routine and became very calm and self-possessed when it mattered most. Having said that, I

"I like the salty cream"
Anyone else think this was a deliberate attempt to double Tom's already sizable gay following?

The rectangular wangs on Seetoh's t-shirt were the best part of the show.

Did no one else pick up on the fact that Root also played the judge in Idiocracy?

I'm about 15 years too old to get involved in a Howie/O&A debate, but:
Jim Norton > Artie x10. That's much more reflective of my esteem for Lil' Jimmy than any actual disdain for Artie.
