Frito Pendejo

Helen, we've got an owl out here!

More than one of them together is a murder of Wayans… or maybe I'm just confusing that with a headline I've been waiting to see.

I'm checking off all those action-star qualities you mentioned and, yes, he's got 'em… but for some reason I have trouble picturing him in action roles. Actually I can see him in the Tom Cruise role in War of the Worlds - that one kinda works for me. What other action films could Matt Dillon have carried the lead in?

My real name is Andy. I used to work with a guy who would always say my name in that alarmed tone that Pee Wee uses when he finds out that Simone's boyfriend is coming… so that my favorite/most quoted line.

I'm gonna have to bail on this because of the Brooklyn location also. I have a rule about crossing multiple bodies of water on a weeknight (OK, my wife has a rule about me crossing multiple bodies of water on a weeknight and leaving her at home with the baby).

Everyone I know has a big "but." C'mon, Scaffnet, let's talk about your big but.


You just know they'll get all PC and call them urban lagoon creatures.

"Practice? We talking 'bout practice? Yeah, I missed practice. It was a full moon, yo… I turned into a muhfuckin' wolf. Practice?"

I'm bringing hairy back. Go ahead be gone widdit.

"Wearwolves"? Is that the new movie about the Palin family wardrobe?

As bad as it is, heavage > manscaping.

Motion to start pronouncing it "marijiuana" with an extra "i" like a clueless southern sheriff is on the floor. Seconded?

Stiles was great, but Teen Wolf's best friend/love interest "Boof" was an integral figure in my pre-adolescent sexual awakening. Also, to smoke marijiuana.

I demand confirmation from FutureChimp or Noam Chimpsky.

It's Wolverine's borderline-retarded little brother, Slow-gan.

Too late, Santo. My scrpit for "Nessie: the sexy but abstinent plesiosaur" is almost finished.

You and I are very much alike, Johnny. Commenting is our religion, yet we have both fallen from the pure faith. Our methods have not differed as much as you pretend. I am but a shadowy reflection of you. It would take only a nudge to make you like me. To push you out of the light.

There's got to be room on that list for spin-offs. Name me one good spin-off. It doesn't help that the movie they're spinning-off from usually sucked also (see Daredevil/Elektra).

And you're a cateloupe, Geddy.