Frito Pendejo

"If you give me those cheez ballce, I might forget I found you…"

It sounds like a good name for a satellite radio smooth jazz station.

Also, try going to Italy and dropping the last vowel/syllable from every word like they do here in the Eastern U.S. Ask for "gabbagool" instead of cappicola and you'll get a large, cylindrical cut of cured meat shoved up your ass sideways.

I can't wait for MTV
to do "True Life: I work at a cantina on Tatooine". It promises the "hottest, tannest, craziest Greedos".

Yu kon bet on it.

OK you two, calm down. You want a drink? It's a party, get 'em a drink.

Va fangool!

We're more subtle than that, Lupin. I merely broke-a his legs. He walks like House now.

Bayonne's role in humanity's development is well-documented, Jorge… what with the recent discoveries of remains of Australopithecus Armani-Exchangus and Homo MonteCarlo in that vicinity.

Ah, yes, because all East Coast Italians are in the mob.

Sorry for the confusion. I should mention that I'm half Irish.

As a deeply-embarrassed Italian from NJ
I have nothing to add but this link to my favorite Onion article:

I've been extremely busy this week and haven't had time to comment on any of the Best Of lists, but I'd be remiss if I didn't praise the inclusion of Idiocracy in this one. FUCK YEAH IDIOCRACY!

What, no Baja Fresh at your local strip mall, Repo Man?

Orange who?

Uh oh, looks like Bascule's almost outta beer…

I think they should re-issue the first three albums adding modern technologies that weren't available at the time they were made. At last, we can hear My Name Is Jonas with autotune as it was originally intended!

Blue will always be the only Weezer album for me too. I appreciate the unorthodox direction they tried to take with Pinkerton, but it never really connected with me. It helps that the only time I saw them live was right after Blue came out, so those were the only songs I've seen them perform. It pretty much goes

How much more watchable would Contact have been if he played his character in that movie as Wooderson?

I'm sure your roboeyes would be awesome (and very lifelike), Durckk. I'm just always looking for an excuse to throw out some Quint quotes from Jaws.