Frito Pendejo

Mel Gibson?

And the thing about a Durckk is he's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll's eyes. When he comes at ya, he doesn't even seem to be livin'… until he bites ya, and those black eyes roll over wide and then… ah then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin'.

At last, I can shut down all the garbage smashers on the detention level right from my phone!

I didn't realize the preparation was so complicated. I think I'll stick with my original plan, which is succulent breast of Nigella Lawson.

For Thanksgiving, I'm having ham stuffed inside Paula Deen, wrapped in Guy Fieri, turducken style.

I would never buy a phone that I'm not allowed to bring into the Mos Eisley Cantina.

These kinds of accidents happen all the time. Why do you think no one ever wants to go on stage after R Kelly?

What an unfortunate Shanghai Surprise.

I'm planning a song-titles-that-reference-other-bands theme week. First I'll go see Daft Punk play at your house, and later I'll make love and listen to Death From Above.

I've seen an advance screening of The Fell. It's just a watered-down version of The Knotts.

If only your left tackle had been rescued from the ghetto and trained by Sandra Bullock, Jay. You might be 4 or 5 games out, but you're only one oscar-hungry white benefactor away from a division title.

(As long as we're referencing skateboard movies): I'd search for her Animal Chin.

I had mostly an old man weekend too (raking leaves, shopping, taking the kid to see Santa), but I did catch Heaven and Earth on tv (the samurai movie, not the Oliver Stone one). Not quite Kurosawa, but pretty cool. I also watched Aliens on AMC (who says that station doesn't show actual classics?), so I'm primed for

In An Ordinary World, no one would watch this movie.

I'm tired of all these muthafuckin' awards on this muthafuckin' show!

ZMF doesn't give grades. You are either optional or not optional.

"about various commenters…"
Oooh, did he say anything about me? Dammit Modell, name names!

It looks like *someone* got fooled by the rocks that she's got.

Same here. I was undewhelmed by his Crank 2 narration, but those images have restored my faith in OWNAGE.

This movie is mainly eye candy for the ladies. LeBon prefers to see girls on film. On the other hand, the guys in this movie are a bunch of wild boys.