Frito Pendejo

Oprah has the strength of ten Tyras.

It's not really as naughty as I made it sound, Jim. It mostly just consisted of her pronouncing tomato "to-MAH-to".

NOW I'm convinced that this is really the original Lobsters.

Complete the obligatory Simpsons reference:
She hates every chimp she sees…

My wife used to sometimes do a playful Nigella impersonation when she cooked. It may be time for Mrs. Pendejo to resurrect that little tradition.

I don't disagree with any of that and I don't really dislike Kevin. It would just make him feel a little more human and a little less like a relentless cooking machine if he would fail just once though.

That poster for "Before I Self-Destruct" is just 50 Cent's way of trying to get interviewed on Oprah.

Somebody should tell Nim Chimpsky that Oprah's face is an orange.

Didn't he say something borderline-negative about somebody else's dish? I think it was Eli's, and he said something along the lines of "that's the kind of dish that can be good if you have time to work on it over and over, but it's hard to make it work the first time you try it." I didn't read it as dickish at the

@Topsyjane: I think it was Brian who put the vanilla in his breakfast, not Mike.

That picture of Fiddy above was meant to be a cautionary tale about what happens to firsties. Too bad you ignored it.

Ain't no puppet like a West Coast puppet 'cuz a West Coast puppet don't stoooooooop!

She was actually forced to go down on Uncle Joey in a theater. I think some singer later made a song about it.

I'm not sure if what I said about Jax getting blamed makes any sense since I didn't see the end of the episode. Sounds like maybe it's already blowing back on Chibs from what you guys are saying.

What did Sack say?
What did Sack say when he was wading in the mud? Something about "it's cool, but it's warm… it's corm!"

I fell asleep early and missed the ending. Sounds like a pretty intense scene… can't wait to get home tonight and watch it.

I think Chibs going CI is actually going to come back on Jax. Clay knows Jax spoke to Stahl inside and will immediately think Jax is the one who's talking once the charges against the club are dropped and the Irish get busted.

I wonder if Darby is going to have a role in the League/Zobelle's eventual downfall now that he's been double-crossed by them and survived. I can't picture him teaming up with SAMCRO, but who knows. I wonder if Weston could play a role also… he's clearly feeling marginalized and isn't happy with Zobelle's

Even Johnny Cochran and Robert Kardashian wouldn't defend that shit.

Is TBS so bad now? Tyler Perry tells me they're very funny.