Frito Pendejo

Danus brings up a good point about the Daily Show's rampant Tolkienism. Couldn't they put just one ent on the staff already?

I love my cancer but where's my AIDS?

I'd rather masturbate than fuck with Stacy512.


"…Or, you could just fire the black man. Whatever works for you."

Homosexuals haven't been having much luck with those "Props" lately. Had me thinking you were all progressive for a second there, Maine.

I love Kelly's use of symbolism in his films… like the fact that Diaz really appears to be hitting a wall in that picture. Art imitating life indeed.

Sorry, I guess that was Keith Morrison. Keith Robinson is more akin to cole slaw.

The frozen tundra of Lambeaux's failure….

Keith Robinson
Isn't that the guy Amelie put in the same category as egg salad? I love egg salad! I'll be watching the fuck out of this show.

I'm loving this new commenter's schtick. I hope our world doesn't frighten and confuse him.

To add to the fry-condiment debate: my favorite thing in the world is Greek fries (french fries covered in lemon juice, oregano and tzatziki sauce). Someone tell me that you've had it and that it's not awesome so I know not to ever take anything you say seriously again.

They wanted to use him as a consultant on set, but flying back and forth from the shooting location would have cost him and arm and a leg.

On Comedy Central
So… what kind of puppets will this show feature?

*Covers daughter's ears, scowls at Fritzy-Poo while leading her away*

Ghetto Superstar was shitty until Girl Talk mashed it up with Yo La Tengo.

A Mo'ving Mo'nument to the transformative power of Mo'viemaking.

I want to be around when the inevitable Ducktales party breaks out on this thread.

Cage goes in the water, you go in the water. Child model's in the water. Our child model.

One-two oh my god…