Frito Pendejo

Your Utah fry sauce works on just about anything, Roxie. That's my go-to makeshift cocktail sauce when I have fish sticks.

Sorry but in this instance, that particular Chinee really does look exactly like the other Chinee to whom I referred. Some people of similar ethnic background really do resemble each other, as it turns out.

Chinese guy
Forgive me if this has been mentioned before, but is the Chinese guy they're negotiating with the same guy who does the spot-on Shatner impression in that Priceline.com commercial?

Now hold on, Clueless… who said anything about not liking walnuts in brownies? My enemy's enemy is my friend I supose, but I'm not sure I want you on my side.

She's not fat, she's just big-thetaned.

I collect Lopez pelts myself.

I would love a Running Man movie more loyal to the source material as well (with the exception that they keep the "here's your Sub-Zero… now plain zero" line).

No Legface, fuck YOU! Unless we're talking about egg salad with large chunks of celery and/or onion mixed in, which totally ruins the consistency, in which case you may carry on.

… no more tomfoolery. No more ballyhoo.

Hate to pile on here, but my first thought when I started reading this article was "what the hell is wrong with egg salad?"… followed shortly thereafter by "who is Keith Robinson and what is L.A. Candy?"

Also, the Duggar family episode of "I didn't know that I spent about 20 seconds not being pregnant."

I loved the John Edwards episode of "I didn't know she was pregnant."

"How is she going to eat a bunch of Mexican food and shit on Elizabeth Cady Stanton's chest now?"

I didn't know I had cancerAIDS.

Drop Stop?
I just googled that and got a pretty wide range of results. Do you mean the car wedge, the wine bottle pouring accessory, or some other product?

hey bawf.

Well you can hope in one hand and shit in the other, Towelie, because this thing ends tonight.

Do you mean Original Famous Ray's or Famous Original Ray's?

Oates always reminded me of Bababooey.

Actually, considering his name, I'm going to give his mom the benefit of the doubt on that one.