Frito Pendejo


He's all about widening that hole in the Ho-zone layer.

I loved those books as a kid too, and now my daugter is starting to read the books and watch the cartoon. I have no problem with this stuff getting the big screen treatment, as long as it doesn't get packaged with shitty music, like they did with the Curious George movie. Sorry, I really don't have much to say here,

Is she about a size 14?

Looking forward to a CGI version
of "Everbody Poops." Poop in 3-D!

I don't think the ranger's gonna like that, Yogi.

There's an app for that, wazoo.

Stay gold, Oxperiment.

Someone less lazy than me needs to post a link to the scene from Spaceballs where Mel Brooks is sucking down a bottle of "Perri-Air".

Didn't we cover the whole horsefucking thing in the Hater A-Rod article yesterday?

"According to Kafka,"
That must be the most uninteresting sentence ever to begin with those three words. I usually expect something about the meaninglessness of existence or some such existential shit. Actually that sentence is sort of about the meaninglessness of our existence, so it's pretty Kafkaesque after all I

And here I thought the point of my DVR was to record programs to be watched at a later time, possibly more than once if I really enjoy them.


I have to admit that I'm occasionally part of that 46%. It's not that I want to watch the commercials, it's just that I forget I'm watching a recording. The second I realize that I have the option, I do fast forward.

Loved you in The Natural, 'Beetus (just wanted to maintain the baseball theme).

I'll never forget that victory lap Wade Boggs took with SJP in '96..

Toe jam

More for that Inventory, Curtis:
Dr. Girlfriend
Mike Tyson

Although I imagine it will be pretty one-sided on this site.

I never saw the first one
but I'm always fascinated by the passion it stirs up among both its fans and detractors. looking forward to the comment wars.