Frito Pendejo

"Nothin' worse than a woman who KNOWS you ain't gonna hit her!"

It will have dreads and lots of tats.

You know I've heard him use that phrase a time or two before, Senor, and I'm pretty sure that's not what he was trying to convey at all.

In my case, more like 22. That first album (the one with Black Sunshine and Thunderkiss '65) was kind of fresh and interesting at the time.

Cornrowed Anthony Keidis: "That. Would be. A waste. Of time."
(I don't remember if he actually pauses between words like that, but that's the way we always said it).

Ask and you shall receive. Modell just annouced it's imminent arrival in a comment under the Summer Movie Roundup.

To be honest, I don't remember whether it was good or not, but either way it violates my personal Kevin Dillon rule: if it doesn't feature him pumping rounds into livestock in 'Nam, I'm not interested.

It's like he's raping his own childhood.

Double Meh. Couldn't be any worse than the 80''s Kevin Dillon version.

Wouldn't it make more sense for him to actually remake the movie White Zombie at some point?

ownage bitch
I'm taking up a collection to get the studio to give ZMF a personal pre-screning. Dig deep people! Give til it hurts!

They really should have done a free handjob cross-promotion with Starbucks.

Yeah, I called somebody in gym class a douchebag back around '84,'85 (junior high) and the teacher flipped out and almost called my parents. I was always a few steps ahead of the vulgarity zeitgeist though.

Amelie's hated women and children. Hated just about everything that walked or crawled at one time or another…

Girl Talk made pretty good use of Ace of Base on his last album though.

I'm thinking Extract looks horrible also, but Bfred makes a good point. Office Space was poorly marketed and Idiocracy was hardly marketed.

Clit Eastwood?

"Halloween 2 bitch… not optional"

There's no way to tell if it's good Wilford Brimley or evil Wilford Brimley. That's what makes The Thing so scary.

Also in the "Really? This long to see a reference?" category: