Molly Ringworm

I've been playing it on a loop all day while I look at a .gif of that troll in flames.

According to Megan Ganz's twitter feed, Gillian Jacobs wrote the "is it 303? I thought it was 304" gag. She is the best, you guys.

Just chiming in to say that Conspiracy Theories is my favorite, too.

Dibs on the one where I get to make out with Troy. 

Yesterday's Enterprise and Parallels from TNG. 

I didn't read any of your post after your speculation about Parks and Rec. Is this true? My heart is going to break if this is true.

Yep. All it took was a bowl of toilet olives to make me love this show again. 

Toilet Olives will make a great band name. (Dibs.)

Definitely the best episode so far. Michael Hitchcock needs to be on my tv more.

Nate Schweeber, you're a jerk!

Ooh. Super Dave Osborne burn. That's gotta hurt.

I would like to hear Bob Ducca's thoughts on The Neckerciser . Seems like a product right up his alley.

Plus, they're lesbians.

DS9 was added recently as well. What a fun weekend it will be.

You guys spend too much time together. 


This just made me so happy.

While I prefer The Philadelphia Story, Holiday definitely fits into this category better. What a lovely movie. Grant and Hepburn are so magnetic in their scenes together.

The Troy/Jeff conversation during Football, Feminism and You. 

Let's add Damon Wayans, Jr. to that list while we're at it.