
Gene Kelly terrorizing Ethel Barrymore in the Suspense episode: To Find Help. Mild mannered Gene seems like a perfect handyman, but see, he's "got something wrong with his mind"…

Spot on, and disappointed the reviewer missed this completely. In an earlier episode George tells Niska that a stroke, or some other health issue, took most of his memories of his wife. Odi's memories are all he has of her.

The Deadliest Show Unearthed…

I'm pretty sure that was Steve Martin on Banjo.

Ainsley is Allison's Monitor. She is having an affair with Donnie who is cluelessly answering all of her questions about Allison because he wants to keep having sex with Ainsley. His story about the Lupus girl is probably true, and his emotional breakdown with Allison is partly relief over getting that off his chest,