
It seems like he's taking a walk on the wild side again.

Now that he's better, now he can finally focus his energy on the album that all of the world is clamoring for: Metal Machine Music 2.

Tobias, you blowhard!

Let's just start a commetariat war with Yahoo News and CNN. It'll be the World War One of the internet!

Ron Howard Voice, when's the quickie version with Maria Bamford coming out?

John Cage is already one step ahead of you on that. One of his pieces is 639 years long and the next note will be played in October.

If this is about someone from the Descendants, could this sitcom be about Milo going to college?

You must've missed The Committee of Public Safety's guillotine execution list; it was the one that came after the Phoenix denouncement.

I heard Imagine Entertainment made a quickie version last week. It's going to be on Rifftrax next week.

When you're a stranger?

If Smash is gone, where will Frank Fisticuffs go? I must know his further adventures!

"Suffice to say that my adolescence saw me perched about equally among Sam, Neal, and Nick."
I think a lot of people on this website were in this group in high school…

The only thing that one can do now is climb aboard my starship since Todd's heading for the sky. COME SAIL AWAY.

It's like someone placed a Skip's Scramble right in front of me.

If it's a thrash metal album, does he play "Enter Saruman?"

I'd be Jane Lane's family from Daria since no one would basically ever tell me to do anything besides make art.

"I hope you’ll join me next week, as we tackle another of my favorite TV series ever made, Paul Feig’s wonderful, funny paean to adolescence, Freaks & Geeks."


I already taught my child how to play "Heroin!" Though I think I might've emotionally scarred them with my Andy Worhol Factory reunion party.

*Insert Arrested Development quote here.