
This is the worst movie I've seen in my entire life. Worse than The Room. Inexcusable. Shame.

Snoop Dogg??
… I guess the show needed more kitsch.

"The end half of The Island is one of the most egregious examples of Bay's sucking, since you can tell that he had no plot planned out except for: shit blows up, confront villains, the heroes win"

andy's a drunken master

the whole vampire/gay thing is complete BS. bigoted christians have this whole idea of "pray the gay away" and repression. but you can't "pray the vampire away."

biggie smalls would be the best vampire ever

I don't think that the writers are making a commentary about gays and religious hatred.
After this episode's cliffhanger with the suicide bomber it all clicked for me: it's a commentary on the Israel-Palestine conflict.

don't be mad at the exposition
most people who watch this show didn't know that maryann was a greek mythological character so they wouldn't have minded the exposition. we had the benefit of figuring out what she was weeks in advance (internet hive mind FTW) so it was boring to us. the show explaining itself just a

replace the pig with the greased up streaker from family guy

where are the babies?
One thing I've noticed about True Blood is that there is a lot of fucking, but never any pregnancies. It would make sense that vampires probably have dead sperm (lets not even go there), but what about everyone else? Every dude must have to bring a couple condoms with them just while they're

if it were her, he would recognize her handwriting if they were married for 20 years

whether or not the plot advances is irrelevant as long as it is entertaining. and this episode was fun to watch.