
Box was so good in the first ep I assumed we'd see much more of him - it was part of what hooked me from the get go. Disappointing - even if he comes up big in the final episodes. Would rather have had more of him and his investigation and a little less Rikers.

My wife and I have noticed there are an incredible number of redheads in TV shows now. Especially women - start looking for it and you'll see.

I'm not sure why they have to keep showing Noah and Alison having graphic sex. It's not that I'm prudish, but I don't see the point anymore. I'm really sick of nude Noah, anyway. by now these scenes seem gratuitous, unless they're supposed to be titillating, which I don't see at all. What plot points is it serving?

I'm getting such a Malvo vibe from Woodbine/Milligan - the writing and the acting - that I think they must be channeling him purposely. Yes/No?

Man, am I getting sick of the term "beats" the reviewers are all running into the ground. "Character beats," "Story beats," - I don't even know what they mean, and i'm not sure they do, either. It just seems like a useless word that sounds smart, when they can't think of a more descriptive word.

Watching UnREAL on Lifetime On Demand is almost not worth it because of so many ads and commercial breaks chopping it into small bits, and no fast-forward function. Are there that many when watching live? I guess if I DVR'd it I could at least fast-forward. Ridiculous.

BTW, are we supposed to buy into Carrie suddenly deciding to be the best mom in the world? If so, no way she's going off to Iraq or Syria to find Quinn - unless maybe with a ruggedized stroller.

Quinn to Carrie: I'm so hot for you, but also insanely weak, I can't get out of the frickin' CIA on my own. Let's fuck like crazy and then bust out - BOTH of us!
Carrie to Quinn - Are you mental? That would be the end! Season 5 about Carrie and Quinn and daughter in domestic bliss? I need the work!
Quinn: I see what

She's a good woman, Jeffrey, and thorough.

BTW, Ray — my wife makes websites from home. Show some fucking respect, dude!

Wait….wasn't the idea of the the end of last season that they were done with bizarre serial killer stuff so they could deal with more nuanced sociological issues of the border, like the disappeared women of Juarez? So far, this season seems to be doubling down on the serial killer weird freak show gore, sex, and

Is it just me, or has Diane Kruger bulked up a little on the enchilada diet? She was SO skinny in Season One and looks more substantial now..

Although it has some misses, Silicon Valley is great to throw in that mix. Hilarious, most of the time. 24 has had bad reviews, so I haven't watched.

"Do not seek the treasure!"

It's a Fringe phenomenon. Multiple universes.

Yeah, that whole trope was classic 24.  Every time Jack told someone take a victim back to CTU where they'd be safe, you knew instantly they'd never make it. Same here.

This from a grammar site:   Dog breeds are not capitalized unless the name
is that of a geographic region: Pomeranian,
“Labrador retriever,” “bull terrier”, “American pit bull terrier.” (Dalmatian is an exception;
it’s usually lowercase, but I would probably uppercase it when it appears with
similar names normally

I'm surprised no one has found it outrageous and despicable that a news website would livecast the death throes of the woman in the desert. As low as the media can stoop, no newspaper would put this on their site, and if they did, they'd face a withering storm of criticism and would have to take it down immediately.

You been watching Game of Thrones, haven 't you?

Ha! That's the least of my worries!  I think The Following's commitment to illogical mediocrity will breed true into Season 2.