
Jenna-Louise Coleman was confirmed a long time ago as the new companion, so I'm not sure why there is speculation on whether she will be back.

Every episode has been an A and you fucking know it.

Every episode has been an A and you fucking know it.

I liked the scene with the Rosie video and go fuck yourself.

I liked the scene with the Rosie video and go fuck yourself.



This guy.

This guy.

You probably believe they were dead the whole time on LOST, huh?

You probably believe they were dead the whole time on LOST, huh?

Stopped reading at

Stopped reading at

lol @ this review. That is all, bye.

HBO needs to get around to adapting DMZ already.

Good book. Trailer looks good, but knowing Oliver Stone, he will find a way to fuck it up. Guy is a fucking hack.

I like her music, but she is a fucking idiot.

The only horrible people on the show are Frank and Karen. And you aren't supposed to care about them.

Larry Wilmore is terrible. Maybe the Sunny crew can make him suck less.

Stupid, because Cornelius is a pussy. lol