
Fuck you too, Mikosqz. You upset little cunt.

I'm the pathetic one? I simply posted my opinion and was attacked for it. All I am doing is defending myself. You guys are the small minded, pathetic ones.

I fail to see the internet tough guy in that comment. I made no threats. You want an internet tough guy? Malcom Tucker is a perfect example.

No, and go fuck yourself you mad little girl.

It's the internet,  2 minutes is like 2 hours. Creep.

Where did I act tough? Did you consult the generic internet rebuttal handbook? The tough guy rebuttal does not apply here, try again.

No, fuck any coward who defends their pathetic decision. Now, get over it.

lol, that's the best you can do. Are you that shaken right now?

It's terrific how upset you all are. Bunch of fucking crybabies. Grow the fuck up. And lol at DrEmmettBrowns stalker mode.

I'm depressed as shit most of the time and I have never considered killing myself. I will never have any respect for a person that chooses that road.

Fuck you, deserved at least a C-

Stupid, says the asshole named "nice dolphin nigga"


It's attitude towards child sex is realistic. It's about time a show had the balls to show how it really is.

Karen is 17 or 18.

Retarded is not a bad word, no matter the context. I laugh at how hard the PC crowd is trying to force it nowadays. Every group needs their "N" word, it is pathetic.

I thought it was great. Not every goddamn thing needs a point.

This show is awesome. If you don't like it, you're a douche. That is all.

This fucking guy just said Six Feet Under is second tier TV. Bye bye credibility.

Loved it. Awesome final scene. LOL @ all the upset little girls.