
Don't care what the haters say, I love the story and characters in these games.

What kind of fucking person watches a random episode of a show they have never seen before?

Pretty much.

See, that would have been a good one if it were true. The Chargers don't get worse every year. They stay the same. They never take that next step.

How soon is too soon to declare Joshua Alston the worst AV Club reviewer yet? To even entertain the thought that this GREAT season on Dexter is possibly worse than last season is laughable and takes away all of your credibility.

I wish he would end it now so he can move on to something interesting.

He should be praised. Most interviewers are too coward to bring up anything uncomfortable. Perreria gets points for this one.

Obama rarely gets criticized. And it is because he is black. If you do criticize him you are labeled a racist. If he were a republican I don't think it would be that way though.

One of the greatest episodes of the entire series.

Agreed. There is ZERO problem with the phone. I have no clue what the reviewers problem could have been.

I have Rivers too. Don't know what is up with him but he will turn it around.

Yes, it is.

The only new show better than this is Homeland. I am baffled by the reviews on this site.

Because he doesn't really want to die. He is just scared and panicked.

Best episode of the season. Terrible review.

I feel sorry for you.

Your insecurities make me hard.

Why are Libertarians obnoxious? Because we are better than you. We refuse to play your ridiculous political games. Anyone who identifies as a republican or democrat is scum, plain and simple. It has become nothing more than a gang war where each side defends their ridiculous ideas no matter what. They even have the

Adam Levine is a pretentious pile of shit. Fuck him. Andy Levy is fucking awesome.

I like this show a lot so far. I don't find it terrible AT ALL. I really don't get the hate for it. And I hate Ryan Murphy.