
I like this comparison.  Duplass had a band called Volcano I'm Still Excited in the early 2000s. I remember hearing the album in 2004 or so and thinking that it sounded like the recording of a band led by a guy who tells girls at parties that he's starting a band with some friends. It was an uneven album but you can't

I like this comparison.  Duplass had a band called Volcano I'm Still Excited in the early 2000s. I remember hearing the album in 2004 or so and thinking that it sounded like the recording of a band led by a guy who tells girls at parties that he's starting a band with some friends. It was an uneven album but you can't

Yes, multi-camera in front of a live audience. Old characters from the Office in need of exposure/money will make cameo appearances and will enter to excited "WOOOOOO"s from the crowd.

Yes, multi-camera in front of a live audience. Old characters from the Office in need of exposure/money will make cameo appearances and will enter to excited "WOOOOOO"s from the crowd.

But That Guy with the Glasses sometimes says mean things about movies.

But That Guy with the Glasses sometimes says mean things about movies.

Right. That's why Tim Burton keeps making the same movie over and over: he knows there's an audience for it and just what they like.

Right. That's why Tim Burton keeps making the same movie over and over: he knows there's an audience for it and just what they like.

I gave the show a pass on the incorrect German translation for "That's not a breast!" because the line happens in the context of one of Grampa Simpson's stories, and he's one of the best unreliable narrators in the history of all human entertainment.

When I was 20, a friend found a compilation porn video in a very dodgy store, title: Caca, Doodoo, Peepee, Volume 3. This was the early 90s, and deliberately subjecting yourself to bad entertainment was the style at the time, plus with the internet still mostly being text-heavy pages with "Under Construction" GIFs,

I can believe that, since I haven't seen it. I just have a lingering bad taste from "The Puffy Chair," which I saw after receiving very strong recommendations. I wasn't impressed with the way the female characters were written. I suppose I could understand the girlfriend wanting a commitment even when their

I misread the headline when clicking through, thinking it said "Peter Hook: Solo Artist" and expected to read about the latest New Order side project's side project.

Zooey would never yell at me. :'(

As I understood it, mumblecore films were low-budget, as well, usually recorded on digital video cameras, with people talking so softly you sometimes can't hear them.

Agreed. I knew I wasn't seeing this when the trailer showed Susan Sarandon laughing as a fire sprinkler goes off in her office, as if to say "I finally GET IT NOW!" 

I, too, cannot get enough of these movies, especially when the existential crises involve having to put up with their hot but demanding girlfriends/wives who have the gall to ask their partners to act a little less like self-indulgent manchildren.
WOMEN! Always wanting commitment and attention and things! Amirite,

This bodes well for me getting the green light for my gritty reboot of The Yellow Kid.

One lesson I frequently take away from Inventory features is the general awfulness of trailers. I've seen the Magdalene Sisters, and it's not the heartwarming triumph of three plucky girls against a frowning nun. If you went to see the film based on the trailer in this post, you'd expect the girls to start dancing

Something's wrong with the news feed: it's showing news from 1999.

I can't disconnect that song from Crystal Pepsi either. I remember it being funny because the song and video for "Right Now" tried to say very "weighty" things about the state of the world — it was a time when the fall of the Berlin Wall inspired a lot of sentimental rock ballads about change and history and embracing